~chapter one~

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“Are you sure about this? Once it’s done it might cost him his life to undo it” the man glowing a faint blue told the couple who had come to his house in the middle of the night to his house. The woman tightened her hold around the child in her arms and sobbed hiding her face in her husband’s chest. The man looked at his wife with sad eyes before turning to the other man and nodding.
“This is against the law of nature. He was born for a purpose your only prolonging the inevitable” the glowing man said sadly.
“We k-know” the man said fighting back his tears.
“We want him to have a normal child hood before….” The mother chocked on another sob “…b-before it claims him” she finished weakly. The glowing man took a step forward before moving towards her and taking the sleeping child from her arms. The child as if sensing he wasn’t in the safety of his mother’s arms started wailing. The woman turned around not wanting to see.
The glowing man placed the child on the ground in the middle of a star made of salt lining up the insides of a circle and started chanting. The child’s eyes seemed to roll back and all that was left was black as did the man’s but his instead of black turned white and his glow seemed to intensify till it filled the small hut.

He woke up with a start gasping and clutching his chest. He looked around his room frantically as if to make sure he was alone. Once he was sure he was safe he looked out his bed room window to see the sun was rising.
‘Breath’ the voice inside his head spoke softly and he noticed that he was holding his breath. He took and deep breathes and released them shakily.
“They’re getting worse” he spoke into the empty room
‘I know, it will get worse before it gets better. You need to stay strong’ the voice spoke again.
“I’m trying, I…” he was cut off with the door was open without a knock and his mother came in.
“Get ready for school honey” she said sweetly he nodded not looking at her
“Where you talking to yourself again?” she asked softly he balled up his fists and shacked his head
“No mom I wasn’t” he replied
“Honey…” she started softly
“Honestly mom I’m fine” he replied getting out of his bed and hugging his mother. She hugged him back and kissed his forehead when they pulled apart.
“Get ready” she said and left his room. He closed his door and leaned back on it.
“I can’t anymore” he whispered weakly scared his parents would hear him
‘You can. You don’t understand your potential’ the voice replied
“And you do? Fuck I’m really crazy. I’m arguing with the voice inside my head” he said tugging on his over grown bangs
‘You just need to last till a handful of days my preparation will be ready till them’ the voice said. He didn’t reply or ask preparation for what like he usually did. He was too tired and almost late for school so skipping his morning shower he got ready and walked down stairs.
“Were you talking to yourself again?” his father asked the second he sat down
“w-what?” he asked weakly
“Your mother is worried about you. You need to tell us if something is going on. No matter how crazy it sounds” his father said leaning closer to him and grabbing one of his hands. He looked at his father with confusion and then with sadness. He realized that his parents thought he was going crazy and didn’t want to worry them.
“Every thing is fine…a friend of mine called me. I was talking to him” he replied hating having to lie to them.
“Oh” his father said seeming to relax back into his chair.
“I’ve lost my appetite bye guys” he mumbled softly and headed to outside luckily his school was nearby so he could walk to and from.
He made it to his locker before first bell and stood there trying to calm his racing thoughts till his locker was closed on his hand. He gasped and tugged on his hand instinctively but he couldn’t get lose. He turned to his right to see the school bully walking off laughing and high fiving his friends. He looked at his hand which hand an angry red mark across it and held it with his healthy hand to his chest.

“Hey are you okay?” someone asked from behind him. He turned to see a guy he has never seen before in school standing behind him with a worried look on his face.
“Fine” he mumbled and headed to his first class.
The school day went on like normal that was until in his last class he heard the voice again telling him to get out of class. Giving a half assed reason why he needed to leave he walked out of there before the teacher had a chance to answer. He made his way to the forest that outlined the back of the school and went through the cut fence.
‘You can’t run’ the voice said almost sounding angry
“I’m sure as hell going to try” he replied marching forward trying to fight off the head ache going against the voice was causing him. The voice was silent from then on. He kept walking deeper into the woods till it was night fall. When he relished how dark it had gotten he decided to head home but couldn’t find his way. All of a sudden he heard movement and looked around scared.
‘Run’ the voice inside his head spoke after hours and for the first time in a very long time he complied without asking questions. He could hear whoever it was out there with him was gaining on him and they were gaining on him fast. Looking back he saw a dark figure running towards him. because he wasn’t looking he tripped over a root that grew out of the soil and fell rolling down and hitting his head on a rock. His vision became blurry and his body became heavy before darkness engulfed him and he passed out.

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