~chapter two~

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Justin woke up with his alarm going off so loud. He could hear half the people in the house complain saying it was too early to get up. He sat up with a smile. He usually can wake up around 5 in the morning without the alarm but he loved annoying the rest of his family with his annoyingly loud alarm. He got up and put on some jogging shorts on and grabbed his phone and earphones before slipping out of the house for his morning run.
The sliver claw pack lived in a mansion that was built in a remote part of the woods. He walked out to the gate and greeted the guards with a soft good morning before deciding to do some running in his human form first. He made it to the swamp where the pack training where usually held in the afternoon and took of his shorts. He warped it around his phone and hid it under a rock before shifting to his grey wolf.
They usually went on pack runs ever three days but Justin’s wolf Joe was always antsy if Justin didn’t let him out every day. He went for a short run around the clearing and chased around a rabbit just for the fun of it. On his way back to the clearing to shift back and head back home he heard some movement and decided to check out what it was. When he got to where he heard the noise he was surprised to see that nothing was there. He sniffed around and caught a spicy scent near where he was. Following the scent he found a guy near his age knocked unconscious and bleeding out. He tried concentrating to hear if he still had a heart beat. After a couple more seconds of listening he found a faint pulse.
Justin didn’t think twice he shifted back to his human form and carefully picked the guy up he then ran towards his home in an inhuman speed. When he arrived at the gate the guards that saw him leaving a few hours ago were surprised to see him covered in blood and a new scent.
“You can’t come in with him Justin. You know the rules” one of the guards said
“Let me in” Justin growled flashing his red eyes at them though they looked hesitant they knew that the young alpha had an anger problem so they let him in.
Justin made a b-line towards the pack doctor’s room and knocked harshly on the door. The doctor opened the door half asleep and about to give whoever it was wake her up at suck an ungodly hour a piece of her mind when she saw the young alpha covered in blood with a bleeding human in his arms. She quickly made the alpha place him on her bed and ushered him out calling her apprentice. The alpha was left standing in the hallway covered in blood and naked as the day he was born.

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