Check Yes, Juliet Part 4

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This is the Last Part of Check Yes Juliet. This was made by Somethingmorecreative on

They ended up in an abandoned parking lot.

Percy laughed loudly as Annabeth cursed and slipped to the ground again. He was leaning against his Jeep, laughing and sipping a Coke. After they had finished eating, Annabeth had asked what they could do next, and Percy had pointed to the skateboard that was lying in the backseat.

So they were in a parking lot, underneath one of the only lights while Annabeth tried to figure out how to skateboard. She kept slipping to the ground or stumbling off of the board.

"I'm going to figure this out, I swear," Annabeth muttered, scrambling up from the ground again and grabbing his skateboard.

Percy shoved away from the Jeep and walked over to her. She had one foot on the board, and she was getting ready to push off with the other foot, but Percy grabbed her around the waist to stop her.

She froze, but Percy didn't move his hands.

"You're going to keep falling if you keep doing it like that," he commented. "Let me show you how."

She nodded, but she remained silent.

"Put your other foot on the board," he said.

"But I'll—"

He interrupted her, squeezing her hips lightly. "I won't let you fall."

Annabeth took a shaky breath, but she pulled her other foot up onto the board. Her body tipped backwards, and Percy stepped closer to her, pushing her body up until she was standing straight. He left one of his arms around her waist before he stepped around her so he could see her face.

She was biting her lip and clutching his shoulder. Some of her hair was falling down around her face, but she didn't try and move it.

"You okay?" He asked.

Her voice sounded a bit weird when she said, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just. Don't let go."

He grinned, "Of course not. I've got you."

She made a face at him. "Okay, let's go."

He started walking, pushing Annabeth along on the skateboard with him. She slipped a few times, but Percy always shoved the board back under her feet.

"Is this how you learned to skateboard?" Shae asked.

Percy laughed, "No. Piper and I just jumped on the board like you were doing. It took us a few months and I broke both of my arms before I really figured out how to do it."

She laughed along with him before she fell silent again.

They carried on a lazy conversation as they circled under the lights, keeping close to the Jeep. It was late at night, and even though they should probably be heading home sometime soon, Percy was having a really good time here with Annabeth. He was also keeping an eye on some guys that were hanging out a few yards away from them. Which, Percy probably knew them, but he didn't want to get caught up in anything with them while Annabeth was with him.

She had mostly got the hang of riding the skateboard, and Percy was only holding her hand now. She had half-heartedly objected when he let go of her waist, but she didn't fall. Percy kept pulling her across the parking lot.

When they started to turn, the board slipped forward, and Annabeth pulled one of her feet from the board. She tipped to the side dangerously, and before Percy knew what he was doing, he reached out and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her off of the board and into his arms.

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