Your hand in Mine Part 8

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After Annabeth learns a little more about Percy's past and his life in general, it seems that she never wants to leave his side. Percy is far, far, far from complaining, since Annabeth not leaving his side means extended study sessions, where they do a lot more talking (and potentially flirting—Percy is still on the fence about the implications of Annabeth's love for mocking and teasing him mercilessly) and, therefore, less learning. It also means Annabeth feels more comfortable with him, evidently, since she's not necessarily holding back on the physical affection any longer. Percy doesn't think he's ever been so happy with quick hugs and gentle punches to his shoulder.

He still wants to hold her hand a little (and maybe even kiss her until he's suffering from asphyxiation), but he's surviving. Annabeth's hands are always warm when she grips his upper arm or rubs his back during a hug, Percy's on a constant high from Annabeth's attention, and his mother has acquired Paul's cell phone number. He thinks that a lot of things are going better than he planned, as of late. (Well, besides that math test he flunked, despite his confidence while actually taking the test.)

Track season comes to an end. Percy drives an hour and a half just to cheer her on at the final meet, and he gets a tight hug and a hand squeeze for his troubles. It's definitely worth it.

And the thing is, Percy thinks, Annabeth is kind of wonderful. She does things that he would hate if it were anyone else—like pointing out his embarrassment, or inviting herself over early on a day he planned on sleeping through—but it always ends up being okay with Annabeth. Percy's kind of a pushover when it comes to pretty girls.

"You're highlighting the whole page," Annabeth says into the dead silence, save a few sighs. Percy jumps a little, glancing down at the passage in which he was only supposed to highlight key details. "You're only supposed to highlight the important stuff."

Percy shrugs. "It's... all important?" he tries. Annabeth laughs a little at his expense, staring at his entirely orange passage. He covers the sheet with his arms, frowning slightly. "I got distracted."

She looks back to her own work, seemingly color coded and complete with a key at the top. Percy envies Annabeth study habits. "Then pay attention, idiot."

And, that's another thing. Percy was never a big fan of name-calling—or, at least, he hardly appreciated it when it came from that kid two years older than him when he was in the second grade—but it's fine with Annabeth. Anticipated, even. "Fine. Idiot."

Annabeth raises an eyebrow. "I'm not the one who just used my passage as a coloring page," she says slowly, mouth curving a little more into a smile with every word. "But call me what you will."

Percy scowls at her deeply, and Annabeth smiles serenely in reply. "I don't like you."

"You wouldn't be passing history if it weren't for me," Annabeth replies flippantly, rolling her eyes. "Of course you like me."

She goes back to highlighting. Percy watches her eyes jump around the page, sees her fingertips brush over a highlighter just before she picks it up and uncaps it. He's so busy watching her dainty hand hold the page still that he completely misses her bringing a pink highlighter closer to his face.

He goes home with a pink line down the side of his face. He leaves Annabeth with his initials on her arm.


When one has a Monday off because of a teacher workday, Percy thinks, they should spend the day catching up on some much needed sleep.

Annabeth, as usual, has other plans. She's calling him at 8 A.M., having a mostly one-sided conversation while Percy just vaguely grunts in response, not really listening, and hopes she takes pity on him, offering a few more hours of sleep. He hangs up when he hears her say goodbye and rolls back over to sleep.

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