Chapter 12

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Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the last chapter? Ready to know what happens? Well, here's the continuation and i do pray you enjoy it.

Don't forget to Share, Comment, and VOTE. 


Unable to sleep the night before, the thought of running was very much appealing and Evelyn got out of bed at five in the morning to do just that. Her anger at Andre was the fuel that powered her long, fast strides. The air was cool and it blew into her face, keeping a temperature down. Her blood was running hot though and little beads of sweat covered her forehead while her hair and t-shirt were drenched with sweat; sticking to her skin. She run for the best part of an hour, something she hadn't thought possible for her to do and when she got back home, she took a cold shower and got back to bed. When her eyes fluttered open, it was half past ten and she got up almost immediately to get a cup of coffee from the kitchen. Mariah was sitting in front of the television set watching what looked like another episode of one her many telenovelas with a bowl of cereal on her lap.

"Good morning, sleepy head." She greeted.

"Morning. Aren't you going to go to the pub today?" Evelyn asked, ditching the cup of coffee for a more healthy glass of orange juice.

"Yh. Later. What about you? Any plans?"

"Andre asked me to lunch. Would you believe the nerve of that man? He didn't even try to apologise for the way he treated me during the week and then he asked me to go to some stupid luncheon with his mother." Evelyn said before she stop herself. Mariah turned sharply at the last part of her daughter's rants.

"You're having lunch with his mother?"

Think, think Evelyn. Shit. "Erm... well... yes, she has a share of the company and I guess she wants to meet the new hire and talk about the progress of the company. After all, I'm the boss's personal assistant." She said not believing a word of her own lie. Her mother, on the hand, accepted the explanation without further questions.

"That's nice. You have to look your best then if you want to be accepted as his girlfriend. Or better still his wife." She wiggled her brows at her daughter and Evelyn sighed.

"I never said I hoped to have any relationship other than professionalism with him. Please stop imagining silly things before you get disappointed."

"Oh please, I see the way you two look at each other and trust me no boss gives his PA a personal chauffeur and takes her out to dinner. And they definitely don't have business with their mothers at fancy restaurants like a family reunion." She laughed at her last words. Evelyn just rolled her eyes and admitted defeat. She wasn't ever going to win this argument. Her mom was right. She did have feelings for her 'boss' and there was no lying about his attraction to her but that was it. She harboured some feelings for him and his was just mere sexual attraction. Moreover, Mariah didn't know the two were married and she didn't have to know. At least not now. Evelyn prepared for herself some omelette and fried bacon and went to get ready for lunch with the in-law.

Finding what to wear was hard and she had to call her mom in for help. "Try the green summer dress. It's casual enough, yet elegant." Mariah offered. The dress in question was one she had got as a gift from Maxwell. He wanted her to wear it to meet his family. She looked at the dress as memories run through her mind and she threw it to the ground in the corner of the room.

"No. I am not wearing that disgusting dress."

"I know Maxwell bought you that dress but his mistake doesn't make it disgusting. It's just fabric."

Evelyn shook her head. "It brings back memories. I know some time has gone by but it still hurts to think about." Mariah stood from the bed and walked to hold her daughter in her arms. She felt her pain.

"If you want to let go of the pain, you have to embrace it. If you keep throwing away everything because they remind you of him, you'll end up hurting yourself even more. What happens when you run into him by chance? Or what about the places you visited together? Are you going to stop visiting those places because of him? Are you going to stop doing things because they are a reminder of him?" she planted a soft kiss on her forehead. "Embrace the pain, Evie dear. You know I'm right about the dress. It's perfect and who knows, Andre might just swoon over you when he sees you." they both laughed.

But he did. When she walked out the front door, looking very decent and beautiful in the summer dress she wore. She looked like a model from a vogue magazine. The dress accentuated her ample bosom and stopped just above her knee. Her feet adorned a pretty pair of lace up sandals with the beaded straps winding around her calves like two snakes on the verge of intercourse. She looked stunning. Her beautiful red hair was held back with hair pins that held the flat twists down. He didn't realize he was holding his breath until he sharply inhaled some air into his lungs. He got out and around the car to open the door for her. She spared him no glance at all when she murmured a thank you after helping her inside. He got into the driver's seat and started the engine.

The drive to the restaurant was silent. No words exchanged and they both couldn't be more relieved when Andre killed the engines. Evelyn hurriedly stepped out of the car and took in a deep breath to compose herself. Andre looked as handsome as always and she found it hard to not stare at his beautiful face. She had to remind herself that he was a jerk under all that beauty and poise. She was almost through the doors when he called her to wait for him.

"We are happily married. So please be happy. Entering first with that frown would convey a different message to anyone who cared to look and trust me, everyone would look at you. You look amazing." He put a hand at her waist and pulled her closer to him before guiding her inside. She felt the heat rush into her cheeks at his compliment and felt silly. A few moments ago she was annoyed with him and now she was colouring with embarrassing pleasure because of him.

They settled for a window table for four. Andre pulled out a chair for her and sat in the seat next to hers so his mom would sit facing them. Seemed the ideal sitting arrangement to Andre. Not long after ordering some latte to pass the time, Andre's phone blew up.

"Hello, mother" he spoke. "Is everything okay?" he asked and listened some more then nodded and hang up.

"Well, my mother would not be able to meet with us today."

Evelyn sighed. "Well, that's got to be the best thing that's happened to me all week." She got up ready to leave when Andre caught her hand and stopped her.

"What is that supposed to mean?" he asked her. She angrily let go of his grip and turned towards him.

"All week since Monday, you've been ignoring me, mad at me for the least thing. Acting like I have wronged you yet I do not recall doing anything to wrong you. And when I expect an apology, there isn't any neither does it seem like I would be getting one. What is the deal with you? You really expected me to be all nice and happy in front of your mother when all week you've done nothing but treat me like I did not exist."

Andre looked at her speechless. He saw the pain and anger in her eyes and he wished he had set aside his ego and just apologized when he planned to. Not knowing what to do, he decided to give in to his emotions and he closed the gap between them and kissed her. The kiss was supposed to be soft and passionate yet it turned to be more passionate and fiery instead and Andre had to force himself to stop as they were still out in public. When their lips parted they both took in deep breaths and Andre sighed.

"I've wanted to do this since last weekend. It really pissed me off to see that guy flirt with you and I was angrier when you didn't do anything to shut him down. And I felt justified for my actions and didn't see the need to apologise to you but that was wrong. I owe you an apology for denying my feelings for you and for disrespecting you so."

She saw the sincerity in his eyes and sighed in defeat. She could not remain angry at him anymore. He just took away all her justifying reasons.

"Would you please forgive me?"

"Fine. But you owe me for going all out. I honestly didn't want to wear this dress."

Andre smiled "Then do you mind having lunch with me?" she smiled at his toothy grin and nodded.

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