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The bartender looked at her in shock as she gulped down her sixth shot of scotch since she came in less than ten minutes ago dressed in a beautiful white fitting dress. She must be going through a lot of stress, he thought, maybe I shouldn't serve her another shot. She ordered for another glass and shouted, "Men are dicks!" Without taking a look at the glass served to her, she drunk the shot and screamed, "Fuck you! I asked for scotch, god dammit, not water."

"You're drunk. I don't think I should serve you anymore alcohol" the bartender stuttered. He feared what she would do next. The look with which she stared at him could kill.

Her words slurred as she spoke, "so now it's a part of your job to tell me what to do? I do as I please and right now I'm going to drink this bar behind you empty and no one can stop me." She glared at him.

A shudder run through the bartender. He quickly gave her the whole bottle of scotch. "Here's your drink"

She smiled, "Good", then put the bottle to her lips.

She took two swallows, then the bottle was snatched from her. "What the fuck!"

She turned to find a man pour himself a shot of the beverage he just took from her.

"That's rude" she said simply to him.

He drunk his shot and poured another, "Not sharing is also rude."

"There are other bottles get one, this one's mine." She tried to snatch away the bottle and almost fell from her stool. The man caught her and helped her settle in her seat.

"Be careful. Sit and we'll share this bottle, okay."

He poured the beverage into her empty shot glass. "Work problems?" he asked as he watched her with amusement at how fast she emptied her glass. She looked like a woman with high fashion sense. The dress she wore was simple and very nice, like one woman with simple taste would wear to her wedding. Her makeup was smudged though, and her hair in a beautiful French pleat.


"What's stressing you so much? Is it work?"

She laughed when she understood what he was asking. "I just wish. At least I can get over that. This is worse." She said then leaned in and said in his ear, "It's the devil"

The man burst out laughing. "You what, saw him in your dream or something? Did he ask for your soul?"

She nodded, feeling quite offended by his laughter. "I gave it to him without him even asking and the goddamn man left me at the altar. He's going to pay dearly for this." She threatened.

"You got left at the altar? That's terrible who on earth would do that to such a gorgeous woman?" He crossed the thought of her being a fashionista out of his mind. It

She smiled. "Thank you. I bought this wedding dress for nothing. Now no one's going to marry me." She sighed.

The man watched keenly as a tear escaped her. The irony of this meeting almost made him laugh. He was running away from marriage and she was running towards it. His parents had been pestering him with marriage talks and now they threatened to disown him and make his life miserable if he wasn't married by the end of the month and tomorrow ended the month... well, more like today as it was midnight already. He came to the club to flee the pressure and stress and he was blessed with the answer to his problem.

"Will you marry me?" He asked her.

She chocked on the water she now sipped little by little. "What?" she started laughing? "You must be a lightweight. Just a few drinks and you're talking nonsense."

"No. I'm very serious and might I add, I am a lot of things but a lightweight is not on the list."

She was taken aback.

"Don't say no. you want to get married, I need to get married, let's get married."

"We just met, I don't even know your name. Plus, where are we going to get a pastor and witnesses at this time?"

"Don't worry. All we need is a civil officer. And I happen to know one."

"Okay." She answered. Not knowing what to say.

Hestood to his feet and helped her to hers and together, they left the club tohis car which was parked outside. It looked expensive and new. He opened thepassenger door and assisted her inside. They drove off away from the club. 

what do you think??  of her and the mystery man??? 

please don't forget to comment your thoughts and suggestions. 

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