•Dinner And A Movie?• Billy Hargrove

13.7K 136 85

Requested? Nope!
Warnings: Swearing, season three spoilers, mentions of blood.
Word count: 1.9k

     You sit down in a chair next to your friend, Mari. She was older than you, her being 32 while you were only 19. The both of you were on break from working in the hospital. She was a nurse, while you only volunteered for a couple hours a day.

     Your father owned the hospital, so he trusted you to just make sure the patients were comfortable and had someone to talk to. Sometimes the younger patients found you more comfortable to chat with.

     This hospital was different from others, however. This hospital was hidden away, and helped the people that got harmed from the upside down. Your father used to work with Brenner, before he found out how much he tortured the young children. After that, he stopped working in the lab and opened the hospital.

     He only hired people like him, people who wanted to get away from working in the lab. You and your father tried to shut down the lab, but the government was more powerful than you.

     It didn't matter though, you helped people. If anyone got hurt from their experiments and the doctors didn't know how to help them— which was pretty often— they'd send them here.

     It was odd since the owner of the hospital hired people that wanted to get away and tried to shut down the lab, but you figured it was because Brenner was way over his head and doesn't know basic medical procedures. Brenner knew that it didn't matter the history between him and your father, the hospital would help anyone. He used this to his advantage sometimes.

     "So," Mari says before taking out a cigarette and lighting it. "You and Mr. Hargrove, huh? Ya know, the cutie in room 302?" She takes a drag and gives you a smirk.

     "W-what? There is no me and Mr. Hargrove," you say, feeling a blush crawl up your neck. She nods, not believing you at all. You give her an amused shake of your head before lighting up your own cigarette.

     "You're too young for that shit," she says and points at the lit cancer stick between your lips. You smirk at her and dismiss her with a shake of your hand.

     "Please, I've been smoking since freshman year." You two continue your break until it's time for you to go back inside. The two of you walk back inside the busy halls, almost immediately another nurse, Jack, comes up to you.

     "Y/N, thank God," Jack says and runs a hand through his dark hair. "Mr. Hargrove has been asking for you since you went outside." You nod and turn to go into his room.

     "There's my favorite person in this establishment," Billy says once you walk into his room. You roll your eyes to fight your smile.

    "Did you need something, Mr. Hargrove?" You ask him. It's weird calling him that since he's the same age as you, but your father always said to. Something about 'it's a sign of respect, patients need to be respected' or something like that.

     "Well, first, I need you to start calling me Billy," he says, a Rob Lowe type of smirk on his face. "Second, dinner when I get out of here?" He's flirted with you quite a bit while he's been here the past couple days, always asking you out for a date. You sigh and walk over to the small bedside table.

     "Well, Billy," you emphasize his name a little, and he smiles. You clean up the remains of his lunch, putting it on the tray. "I think I'll take you up on the offer." He smiles even brighter at you. Until now, you've been avoiding the questions. But today, you finally decided to fuck it, he's sweet and it'll be fun.

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