•Romeo And Juliet• Robin Buckley

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Requested? Nah...
Warnings: Homophobic slurs and actions, abuse is mentioned briefly, makeout session
Word Count: 2.2k

You sit in the uncomfortable chair connected to your desk. You were seated in the back of the class this period, Robin was a three rows down and closer to the front. The teacher had to separate you from her from excessive talking.

You and her have been best friends ever since freshman year, and girlfriend and girlfriend since sophomore. Nobody else knew, your mother and father are extremely religious, and therefor very homophobic.

Robin's parents aren't supportive either. They just think it's morally wrong for two people of the same sex to be together. You and Robin don't care, you love her and she loves you, that's all that matters.

You once got your parents, Robin's parents, and her together and tried to explain that you two were dating. Instead of supporting, they banned you from seeing each other.

As of now, they think you and Robin are broken up. Your parents think it was just a mishap and that you were completely straight, that Robin was just a phase. She's the exact opposite of a phase, you and her are serious.

You wish you were born a guy sometimes. Not because you're unhappy of being a woman, but because if you were, nobody would see anything wrong with your relationship. You just want to be out and happy.

The whole ordeal reminds you of the book you're in the process of reading right now. It was English class, and you were reading 'Romeo And Juliet.' Romeo and Juliet love each other so much, but are torn apart. The irony that the book relates so much with you and Robin stings a little.

You let out a sigh as your teacher drags on about the book and backstory. You glance at Robin and see she's looking at you already. You make sure no one is looking before mouthing 'love you' with a cheeky smile. She blushes and says the same back.

You turn back to the front where the teacher is standing and reading from the book. It's third period now, the day has been dragging forever.

You and Robin have a date after school. Her parents were going on a trip and leaving at four to go visit family in Florida. You smile to yourself in excitement and continue reading.

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

You rush to your car. Your last teacher of the day wanted to praise you on a paper you did, and now you were going to be late for your date.

You finally get to your car and see Robin leaning against it. She looks a little bored, and is playing with a lock of her hair.

"I'm so sorry!" You say and catch your breath. She looks up and smiles.

"It's fine, what happened?" The parking lot was empty, so she kisses your cheek.

"Mrs. Silva was just talking about the science paper. She wouldn't shut up." She laughs a little, her breath coming out as a cloud due to the cold winter air.

"Ready for our date then?" You nod. Robin gets in the passengers seat and you walk over to the drivers. You shut your door and put the keys in the ignition. You look over at Robin.

Her messy brown hair was down, framing her pretty face nicely. Her blue eyes sparkle from the light of the sun, and her eyebrows are scrunched up while she looks at you.

"Why're you staring at me?" She asks, an amused smile dancing across her face. You smile, embarrassed you were caught.

"You're too pretty not to." You bite your lip. You look away and scratch your neck, still flustered. She gently turns your face to her's and crashes her lips against your's.

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