•Something Good• Jonathan Byers

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Requested? Yes sir! By an anon
Warnings: Gore, mention of being tortured, unedited as usual
Word Count: 1k

     "Oh God, oh God, oh God," you panic quietly, sitting besides Steve, Robin, Erica, and Dustin. Erica shushes you sassily.

     "Shh! Do you want to get killed by Russians?" You shake your head at her question, still mentally flipping out.

     After getting tortured for what felt like days by evil Russians, Dustin, Erica, and Robin successfully busted you and Steve out. You and the group ran to escape the secret bunker beneath Starcourt, and that brings you to now, panicking while being searched for.

     You haven't seen your boyfriend for hours, and you're praying that he's ok and not busted and blue like you are. You're covered from head to toe with bruises, cuts, and scrapes, also still nauseous from the drugs that were pumped into your system.

     You hear a man talk into a walkee talkee, but unable to hear properly, unsure whether if it was even in English. The footsteps get closer and closer, before loud creaking of metal sounds throughout the mall.

     The men halt and turn to the noise, the groaning only getting louder and a car alarm goes off. The red car that was once shiny and pretty, flys across the room and hits all of the men, crushing them.

     You yelp from the noises, covering your ears for a second in shock before slowing lifting your head. Your friends follow, all peeking to see what had happened.

     All of the kids— minus Dustin— stand with Nancy and Jonathan. You mumble his name under your breath in relief, happy that he seems to be in one piece.

     They all run down the broken down escalator with huge grins. Dustin tackles Mike and El into a hug while Erica immediately goes to her brother, but all you could see was Jonathan.

     He hugs you tightly, surprising you slightly as he usually isn't really big into physical contact. You stay in the embrace for a while, enjoying the warmth he was providing.

     "I'm so glad you're ok, I couldn't find you anywhere. I thought you were—"

     "I'm fine, a little beat up, but fine," you say and smile reassuringly. Jonathan looks you over again, fingers lightly brushing over the ugly purple bruise on your cheek and tracing the marks on your wrists from being tied up. "I'm fine."

     "I'm so glad you're alive, I don't know what I would've done if something happened to you."

     "Good thing you don't have to think about it then," you say while gently brushing hair out of his face. The people around you are talking, but you don't really know what about. The thing that drags you and Jonathan away from each other is El collapsing not far behind him.

     Mike rushes to her first, turning her over and fussing over her. Jonathan follows with you not far behind. He hurriedly unwraps her leg and uncovers a disgusting mess of blood. You cover your mouth, gasping in horror when something in her leg moves.

     Jonathan bolts away to grab supplies to dig out whatever monstrosity is crawling around in her leg. Mike helps sit El up, and everybody moves to accommodate the rushed surgery that was about to happen.

     You can only sit next to her in shock, and Robin starts babbling out a story about how some girl she knew broke her ankle so bad you could see the bone.

"Not helping, Robin," you say and gag slightly. Jonathan gives El a spoon to bite down on before getting to work on her leg.

He drags the knife across the wound, opening it up and causing Eleven to scream in pain. You have to cover your ears while she screams bloody murder, even causing a window from a shop to burst.

"Stop! Stop, please," she pleads. You put a hand on Jonathan for him to stop digging his gloves hand in her cut. "I can do it."

Eleven screeches while she uses her powers to pry whatever is in her leg out. She succeeds, throwing the small disgusting monster away from her.

A giant boot crushes the monster, and you drag your eyes up to see who it is. Hopper, Joyce, and a man you don't recognize stand before you. A sickening feeling claws at your gut, and you have a strong feeling that everything is about to go downhill.

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

Sirens blare loudly, what was once your workplace is now completely destroyed and smoking. You have a small blanket wrapped around you as you sit in the back of an ambulance.

They patched up a couple of the bigger gashes on you and a government official already made you sign confidentiality agreements. You just wanted to go home, lay in bed, and sleep.

The past hour kept replaying in your head, specifically Billy's death. Sure, you're willing to admit he wasn't a great guy, but he was still a person. He didn't deserve such a gruesome death just for being a little rude and arrogant.

"Hey," Jonathan's smooth voice breaks you out of your trance.

"Hey," you mumble back. You scoot over for him to have room to sit next to you. He has a blanket matching your own. "Is Hop and Joyce back?"

"Joyce is, Hopper..." You nod, understanding. "El is heartbroken, Joyce is going to take her in."

"That's good." You try to stay strong, but tears break through. "Sorry," you apologize and try to quickly wipe away the tears.

"Hey, hey, don't apologize." He drags a thumb under your eye, effectively swiping a tear. "It was a long couple of days, you were tortured for God's sake, it's alright to cry."

You cuddle into Jonathan's side, letting stray tears fall onto his shirt.

"I love you," you whisper. You've never really said it before, and you're scared if he doesn't feel the same.

"I love you, too." You smile into his neck. "At least something good came of this." You pull away, confused as to what he means. "We finally actually admitted something to each other. Pretty new for us, usually we just beat around the bush until the other gets it."

You laugh and shake your head. You cuddle back into him, watching the last of the flames burn out.

"You're something, Jonathan Byers."

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