•Sugar And Honey• Nancy Wheeler

4.9K 91 37

Requested? Yes! By Soggy-Enchilada on Tumblr
Warnings: None that I'm aware of
Word count: 1.7k

     "Mom, do you think Nancy could stay here for a while?" You ask your mother, who's washing dishes.

     "Nancy Wheeler? Why? Did something happen at home?"

     "Kinda, she just needs a little vacation. She's been stressed," you say, shifting your weight from your heels to your toes in anticipation.

     "How long?" Your mother asks.

     "Two weeks? She said her vacation from work starts this Saturday." Your mother makes a face. "I know it's a while, but please! And you remember how nice Nancy is, and how much I've missed her since we moved here." Your mother sighs, going against her better judgment and saying yes.

     "But you still have to do your chores! Just because a friend is staying with us doesn't mean the chickens and horses don't need to eat," she warns, giving you the 'mom look' while her hands are still submerged in soapy water.

     "Deal!" You rush upstairs to your bedroom to call Nancy and tell her the news.

     You and Nancy have been best friends since kindergarten. You lived in Hawkins until you graduated a few months ago. Your mother wanted to leave since the death of one of your close friends, Barb.

     Now, you live in a small farmhouse right outside of Hawkins with your mother. There's a chicken coop in the back and a stable with two horses, Buttercup and Sebastian. Buttercup is a brown horse with white spots, she was your mother's. Sebastian is a black male, and he's yours.

     The field you lived on was much smaller in comparison to the neighboring farms, but it's still big enough for the horses to run around and the chickens to flock.

     You loved it, the sunset was always pretty and you loved the animals, but it just wasn't Hawkins. You couldn't go out with your friends much because of how far they are, and the kids your age here are much more country and don't quite share your interests.

     So to say you're happy to have Nancy to yourself for two weeks in a gross understatement. She's been your best friend since forever, and your crush since sixth grade.

"Nancy! Mom said you can stay!" You say into the phone as soon as she answers.

"That's great! So excited to see you again."

"Me too, Nance. Three days and then we'll be together for two whole weeks." You smile to yourself.

"You better keep your promise and teach me how to ride a horse," Nancy says.

"You? Riding a horse?" A male voice says from the background.

"Mike! Screw off! I'm talking to Y/N!" Nancy yells. You giggle to yourself as the siblings continue bickering. "Sorry, N/N, I have to drop Mike off at Dustin's."

"That's alright, see you soon." You hang up and go to your room. You lay on your bed and smile up at the ceiling, ecstatic for Saturday.

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

The weekend comes around slowly. The anticipation making the days pass by slower than usual.

"When will Nancy be here?" Your mother asks, watching you tidy up your room.

"Well it's a two hour drive from Hawkins to here, and she called at twelve to say that she was leaving and it's almost three now so—"

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