•The Secret Park• Nancy Wheeler

10.6K 144 43

Requested? Nope!
Warnings: Swearing, angst, slight homophobia
Word Count: 1.2k

You and your girlfriend of one year sit on her bed, quietly fiddling with your hands while she stares at her's. Your girlfriend is Nancy Wheeler, ex of Steve 'The Hair' Harrington. While at a Halloween party, drunken Nancy told Steve everything was bullshit, including her sexuality.

     Nancy was lesbian. A closeted lesbian, in fact. The only people who know are you and Steve, who was sworn to secrecy the morning after. He was a good sport about it, saying it was ok and how you can't chose your sexual identity. It was probably the most accepting thing you've heard from another teenager.

     Unlike Steve, Nancy was embarrassed of her sexuality, despite what she tells you. Don't get her wrong, she loves you and isn't embarrassed of you in particular, but just wants to be accepted. She thinks her family would shun her, but that wasn't really a fair answer considering you told her that if that were to happen, she could stay with you.

     You wanted to be out to the world. You wanted to tell everyone that Nancy fucking Wheeler was your girlfriend. You were out to anyone who would bother asking as bi/pan/lesbian. Your family knew and loved you, and Nancy's family came around after a while as well.

     Your confidence in your sexuality was responsible of friendships getting ruined, but you didn't care. If they didn't accept you, they weren't real friends, that was your motto.

     Every time the conversation of coming out popped up, she would get mad and give you the silent treatment. You tried not to push, but you couldn't help but think she wasn't as serious as you were. She needs to understand that you can't be embarrassed of yourself forever, but she won't listen. This is where you and Nancy are now, neither speaking.

     "I'm sorry, Nance, but we can't hide forever," you say, so quiet you aren't sure she even hears. She sighs, still not meeting your eyes.

     "I don't want to hide forever. We'll come out eventually. It's none of anyone's business anyway." You run your hands through your hair. It's always the same, and you were tired of it. You can't take any more of it, all you want is for her to not be embarrassed of you. It made you feel bad about yourself.

     "Nancy," you grab her hands and make her look at you, "I'm sorry, but I can't wait any longer." Her brows shoot up a little, her pretty blue eyes widening.

     "Are you breaking up with me?" She asks, her voice cracking with unshed tears. You let go of her hands, scooting away from her ever so slightly.

     "I'm not sure we were really together in the first place..." Your own voice wavers, but you force it out. You stand up, walking slowly to the door, hoping she'll say something to change your mind, anything.

     She doesn't. She doesn't say a word. She lets you leave, closing her eyes and hoping if she doesn't see you, it won't hurt as bad. You briskly walk past Mike and her parents, all give you strange looks as you try to keep your tears in.

     You close the door behind you, your legs dragging and feeling heavy as you walk to your car. You slam your door shut, hitting the steering wheel with the side of your fist. You finally let the tears run down your face, leaving streaks of sadness.

     You peel out of the driveway and speed as fast as you could home, hoping the speed and risk would give you a slight adrenaline rush. All it did was remind you of the midnight drives you used to have with Nancy.

     Every Friday night, it was a tradition to drive as fast as possible to the outskirts of the town. There was a park there, it was you and Nancy's secret spot hidden from the world. It was the place you told her you liked her more than a friend, the place you two would make-out and be yourselves, and the place you told her you loved her the first time.

     You changed direction suddenly, taking a sharp left instead of the right you had to take to get home. You burn rubber from the sudden and fast movement, making an uncomfortable screech against the gravel.

     Legal speed would take you thirty minutes to get to the park, but at the speed you went, it took fifteen. You aren't sure how you didn't get pulled over. Now, you sit on a lonely swing. There was one next to you, the left was always Nancy's. It was a weird unspoken rule that you always got the right one.

     The empty swing swings in an almost creepy manner. You stare at it, although it's blurry from the tears you hadn't wiped away. The regret of the breakup hits you, the tight feeling in your chest exploding causing a choked sob escape your lips.

     You turn away from the swing, wiping the tears that dribble down your cheeks. You think back at everything you said, regretting every word. Maybe if you hadn't brought it up, just waited a little while longer, she would've come to the conclusion herself. Maybe silence would've been the better option.

     Maybe if you had taken that chance, you wouldn't be crying alone in an empty park. Eventually, you grow numb. The feeling of sadness washed away, now just the uncomfortable feeling that somethingsomeonewas missing remained.

     You stay at the park a while longer, until the bitter fall air gets to you and you can't freeze any more. You stand slowly, your legs asleep from sitting for so long. You make your way back to your green 1974 Ford Station Wagon.

     You kick pebbles on the way, not looking up. You grab your keys to your car and finally look up, meeting the eyes of the girl you've been crying over for the past hour.

     "Hey," she says awkwardly.

     "How'd you get here?" You ask, noticing that your car is alone. She plays with a curl of her short, chocolate brown hair.

     "I walked." Your eyes widen slightly.

     "Walked?" You repeat, thinking you heard her wrong. She nods, smiling ever so slightly at you.

     "I needed to talk to you, and mom wouldn't let me drive. I'm still grounded," she says, mumbling the last sentence. She got grounded because she snuck out to see you last Tuesday. "I ran a little, too."

     "Oh..." you utter, not really knowing what to say. She sighs before waking up to you hesitantly. You look down at your shoes, not wanting to see her eyes and fall in love with her all over again. She puts a hand on your cheek, tilting your head up to meet her eyes.

     "I'm sorry. I get where you're coming from, and if it means that much to you, I'll come out." Her words shock you.


"You didn't force me into it, I want to do this. You just made me realize that I'd rather take a risk than lose you. I love you, Y/N," Nancy says gently.

"I love you too." You move your head to kiss her. Your's and Nancy's lips dance together slowly, all the love you can muster going into it. She pulls away, her warm breath hitting your face as she pants slightly. "Does this mean we're back?" You smile, and she smiles back.

"Yeah, it does."

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