PART 16 // Baby Shower

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I practiced my medley for weeks and Leah helped me when she had enough energy.

Uncle Calvin didn't say much else to either of us after that day in the living room, and Leah and I both wondered when he was leaving again, if he was at all. He had never stayed home for more than two weeks at a time, but it was going on week number four and he was still here. My guess was that he was out of work again and was just biding his time until a new opportunity came.

For the most part he stayed out of the way and even drank less and less. I wondered if maybe he was getting back to his old self, but I didn't want to chance it. I stayed away from him, and I kept everything and everyone away from the house. I even had to plan Leah's baby shower away from the house, which wasn't my original plan.

I didn't know much about babies and I had no idea that Leah even needed a shower. Christina was the one who brought it up. She asked me when Leah was having her shower and what she should get her, and I said "what shower?" Ever since then, Christina took it upon herself to help me plan Leah a baby shower.

We originally decided to have the shower at the house since Leah was on bed rest. We were going to keep it small and only invite her close friends from church, but that plan changed when I noticed Uncle Calvin wasn't leaving. So we resorted to plan B: Mrs. Jones' house.

Mrs. Jones liked Leah so she didn't put up a fuss when we asked if we could use her house. She just told us that she had to know everyone we were inviting and if she didn't like them, they were cut from our guest list.

I think Leah knew I was up to something because out of nowhere she kept telling me that she didn't want to have a shower, and that she just wanted to stay at home and hangout with me until Sunshine came.

"That will be enough for me Eve. Seriously."

But I didn't buy it. I knew Leah's heart, and she loved people and she loved to have fun. I knew she just didn't want to put me through the trouble of planning a party, but it was too late.

The day of the party, I told Leah that I wanted to take her out for one last meal before she had the baby, and she fought with me for a while about it, but then caved.

"Fine Eve! But you better not be up to something!"

"I'm not," I said with a smile.

I helped Leah put on a nice dress and then I did her hair and makeup. I felt like the big sister and I loved it.

I helped her downstairs and outside to David's car and he drove us to Mrs. Jones house. Leah looked around confused when we arrived.

"This is the restaurant?"

"Yes, it's a bed and breakfast,"

"You couldn't afford Olive Garden?" She laughed.

I rolled my eyes and David and I helped her out of the car and up to the front door of Mrs. Jones' house. As soon as David opened the door, all of our guests hopped out and yelled "Surprise!" and Leah jumped. She grabbed her chest and then looked at me and David and hit us both as we laughed.

"I knew you were up to something! Y'all about to make me have this baby right here on this floor!"

Leah couldn't help but chuckle. Then she looked at me and hugged me and whispered in my ear.

"Thank you, Eve."

I kissed her on the cheek and then let everyone else greet her with their gifts.

Yale brought the baby a drum set (which was totally useless) and Mrs. Jones said she wasn't much into gifts so she just handed Leah an envelope. I knew it was full of cash. Christina, of course, got the most appropriate gifts.

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