PART 17 // Salvation

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I couldn't see David until I was completely healed, and Leah helped cover for me. Even though she was on bed rest and due any day now, she got up and went over to David's house and told him that I was sick and needed some space. Of course David wanted to come and see me, but Leah insisted that he couldn't and that our Uncle would be very upset if he came over.

"She's fine David. Don't worry. She'll see you when she's better."

David wasn't the type to take no for an answer and for days he called the house. Leah would sit by the phone and answer every single time and beg him to stop calling.

"When she's well she will call you David! Now please stop calling this house before I kill you!"

Leah would slam the phone down and go about her day as usual.

With David taken care of, the only other person I had to worry about was Yale. He knew too much and I knew he wanted to kill Uncle Calvin. Leah went to see him but he refused to talk to her. He said he would only talk to me, and that if I didn't come and talk to him soon, he was going straight to David. After the swelling on my face went down, Leah covered any sign of bruising I had with makeup and I went to see Yale.

I waited until Uncle Calvin was passed out drunk in front of the TV and then I snuck out. When I got to the church, Yale was inside of his room with Christina. I offered to come back but Yale told me to stay.

"I already told her everything, Eve. We don't keep secrets."

Christina came to me and grabbed my face and hugged me. Then she looked at me seriously.

"The only reason why I'm not saying anything to my brother is because I owe you a secret, but Eve I'm not playing, you need to do something, especially before my brother finds out."

"Finds out what?"

We all looked back and my heart sunk. It was David and he didn't look happy. He walked further into Yale's room and stared me down with a look I had never seen from him before—disgust.

"So you can't come and see me, but you can come and see Yale?"

"David—it's not what you think!" I said hesitantly.

"You don't know what I'm thinking Eve!" David said furiously. "I've been waiting outside of your house for days hoping to see you, and when I finally do, it's when you're sneaking out to see Yale? You know what? I'm done."

"David wait!" I said, grabbing him before he could walk out of the room. He snatched away, furious.

"No! Lonnie was right. You're foul, and I'm done."

"David, you need to chill!" asserted Chrisitna.

David yelled at her. "Shut up talking to me Chris! I can't believe you knew they were messing around and didn't tell me!"

"Negro please," Yale laughed. "Can you take off your panties for one minute?"

That's when David charged Yale and they began fighting. Christina grabbed Yale and I grabbed David and both of them were on fire.

"Boy, I'm gonna mess you up!" Yale said as he pointed at David with a smile.

"Everybody please calm down!" Christina yelled.

David couldn't though. He snatched away from me and stormed out of the church. Christina and I went after him and she grabbed him right before he was able to get into his car.

"David! Wait!"

"Get off me Chris!"

"No listen to me! Eve is not messing with Yale!"

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