Chapter VI

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"But this is too much, honey!" My jaw dropped in disbelief to find out that he gave me a Certificate of Title for a 1,000 square meter lot in Cheongdam-do, Gangnam registered before our names.

"Treat this as our first conjugal investment. I was thinking that instead of giving you something fancy like jewelry, I'd rather give you something that will be much more useful like real property or something. Do you like it?"

"Yes, I do but how much did this cost? I mean, we haven't talked about our property arrangements yet. We didn't even execute our pre-nuptial agreement."

"Nah, as I've told you, everything that I own is yours to keep. And besides, those separations of property contracts are just for couples who don't want to last for good. We surely don't need them."

"Thank you, I really appreciate this. I'm sure it cost you a fortune."

"Uhmmm... Not quite." I rolled my eyes while he was bragging.

"I really am happy with all the things you have given me... the land-air-water rides, the surprise event, and now this acquired property. But..." my calm expression turned into a devastated one. "Who was that lady who called you last night?"

"Lady? What do you mean?" His face looked baffled.

"Remember the one who called you in the car? That one call you refused to answer in my presence? The same number called you while you were in the bathroom. I got so curious about the caller that I answered your phone without you knowing," I was frantic. The thought of it made me want to choke him in an instant.

Instead of saying anything, he laughed at the top of his lungs. He seemed blissful with the idea that I was a venom called jealousy was in my blood. I hated his giggles. It made me look even more stupid. I pretended to be dense. He was rolling with laughter until he realized that it wasn't funny to me anymore. The only expression I could best give was my dull, infuriated stare.

"Do I look like I'm telling a joke?"

Then his mood shifted. "No, I'm sorry. I just find it so funny. Look at your face, it screams of jealousy!" Though he was trying to hold back, his eyes were still laughing foolishly.

"So again, who was that? Will you tell me or will you tell me?"

"Fine, fine! It was Ms. Lee, the one who ushered you when you arrived at the yacht club. Remember her?"

"Then why was she calling you last night?"

"Don't you still get it? I hired her to fix everything for me... for this surprise event."

"Really?" I suddenly felt ashamed of how I reacted. Still suspicious of him, I didn't let my guard down.

"Of course! Why would I even lie?"

"You mean, when she said you're gonna meet at the airport, you're both going here in Busan?"


"But why didn't you answer her call when I was around?" My brows were still aligned.

"If I did before you then all the preparations for this surprise will be useless, don't you think?"

Yeah, right... "Okay, I'll let this pass," I turned my back to him. My cheeks turned red because of embarrassment. How foolish of you Son Eon Jin to rage out of baseless jealousy!

"Come here..." He pulled my body but still I refused to face him. "So you really won't face me, huh?"

He started tickling me everywhere while flooding me with kisses. Urgh! How will I resist?

"Okay, okay! You win!" I said in surrender. I almost couldn't breathe. The room was filled with giggles and kisses.

It felt like I was Anastasia Steele for a moment when my Christian Grey led me back to the chopper. I thought we'll be flying back to Seoul but his surprises were just not over yet.

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