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Bonjour mes amis. To celebrate my six years in Wattpad, I decided to update! That being said, I dedicate this chapter to my fellow readers: chinizu52, midpark21, GoldenApplesIdun, some-scott, for continuing to support me even if I take so long to update. Also, I know I might forget to add you to the list because there are so many. But, just know that I notice each one of you.  

Dr. Roberts

I let out a sigh of relief as I finally finished one of the top priority cases that had consumed me for a couple of months. However, as quick as lightning, my grin vanished when I saw that there was still a pile of folders cluttered beside a white ceramic picture frame and my cold coffee.

Lately, the Academy has been receiving numerous cases. Some cases were as small as helping a victim escape from their abusive home or searching for a missing person for a few months. But, there were also several that affected the victims, and all involved, on a deep emotional level.

I didn't even notice the tears slowly rolling down my cheeks until the taste of salt became distinguishable on my lips. I simply sat, staring at the closed folder in front of me. There it was. The first case I had been assigned to in Charleston. Avery Adams.

Avery Adams was only ten years old. It seemed like she had a normal life like every other child. However, like cases that I've worked within the past, teachers started to notice changes with Avery. At first, she was friendly with other classmates and would occasionally participate in discussions. Until one day, she started to isolate herself from others. Her friends thought that maybe she was just going through puberty. But, it became odd that, in the days following these changes, she would only occasionally attend school. One of the teachers, Mr. Jacobson, was the last one to record on her file that the final time she had attended his class she had numerous bruises on her arms and was limping slightly. After that day, no one saw or heard from the poor child.

What shocked me the most was when two years later, I received an assignment that resembled Avery's. However, her name was Sidney Anderson.

The resemblance between the two was uncanny. They both had similar backgrounds of parents' occupations and similar ages. Still, troubling me was Sidney had no previous school record on file.

Luckily, the Academy had several connections. Using that advantage to ask around, I discovered that she was pregnant and had previously moved from another state. Oddly enough, a couple of days later, Sidney vanished.

Unfortunately, I was reassigned for another case. I didn't have time to think much about the case until moments ago when her file had coincidentally appeared on my desk. I become nauseated as I read the full report:

Avery Adams is known by many aliases such as -Sidney Anderson, Hayley Jena, and Sara Bailey. The name of Avery Adams has been found untraceable and could potentially be another alias. This has not yet been determined. Resolving the case was difficult from the lack of evidence. Regrettably closing the case by concluding that the victim aka Avery Adams was found dead. At approximately eight in the morning of June the twelfth, several hikers on a trail in Charleston found her body decomposing far away from public trails. The cause of her death is still an ongoing investigation. However based upon investigating, she suffered a miscarriage due to malnutrition and infections. There have also been accusations over the years from witnesses that her father, Mr. Johnson, had raped his daughter.

It's disheartening to know that we don't always ensure justice for the victims, especially for difficult cases like this. We try our best to help everyone, but sometimes we're too late.

Shaking these negative thoughts, I looked around my office that used to be clean and organized and which had now turned into a chaotic mess. From the corner of my eye, my attention was captured by my phone quietly vibrating. It's truly odd how the Academy works, but one of the first things you learn within the organization was we have to answer with a random word for safety and also to make sure that the other person is a member of the Academy. It does take a while to remember all the main rules. Over time, it gets more confusing as there are more rules to be followed.


"Astronomy." The unknown caller replies. Her voice was very familiar.

"Sang! It's been a long time. How have you been?" Surprise is evident in my tone. For such a busy person, it's rare that she would call me.

"Actually Uncle, the reason I called you is... I need your help," I could tell she's nervous. Her voice is shaking.

"What is it Sang?"

"Six months ago, I started receiving peculiar fan mail. At first, I thought nothing of it. However, in the following days, I received a flood of messages from mainly one person containing graphic language, inappropriate photos, and gifts. Somehow, they followed me and now knowing where I live, sent me more gifts at home. My security team is unable to find the culprit and my management thinks that they would feed off all the attention as soon as the public knows about them. I can't sleep peacefully at night without thinking that they might enter my apartment. For fuck's sake, they know where I live and work. Please, Uncle, you have to help me." My heart shatters as I hear her crying uncontrollably.

"As much as I'd like to help you, Sang - and I would - but I have dozens of cases pending." All of a sudden, it felt like a light bulb went off in my head.

"Wait a second. Can you come to my office in an hour? There may be someone I have in mind that can help you right now."

"Thank you, Uncle. I owe you."

After the call, I glanced at the time on my phone. 10:00 a.m. Launching the messaging app, I sent a brief message to Owen Blackbourne for a meeting in an hour. Hopefully, all of the members in his team could be present on such short notice.

Finally standing up after sitting for over six hours, I couldn't help but groan from the stiff position. Gradually making my way over to the elevator, I decided I better get more coffee. I have a feeling it's going to be a long day.

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