New Mission

610 34 8

Gabriel Coleman

The silence was deafening and painfully awkward as we visually communicated with each other. We rarely interact with the opposite sex, let alone spend time sitting in the same room as one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.

I couldn't stop staring at her alluring features, especially her gorgeous hair. It was a color that I have never seen before and reminded me of a chameleon. There were multiple strands of red, and blonde and different shades of brown and black. Part of me felt ashamed for creepily staring at her for the whole hour and I almost laughed at how she wasn't even exempt from Mr. Blackbourne's intense scrutiny.

When I first entered the room, expecting to find Dr. Roberts, I was rather surprised to find Sang Sorenson.

"Gabe, stop blocking the door. There are still six people trying to come in.." Dr. Green muttered. I was still too stunned at the sight of Sang to move, when suddenly I felt someone push me. Motherfucker.

I smirked at their reactions once they successfully walked into the medium size room as their jaws dropped.

It was a complete and utter travesty whoever they hired to be the designer. The conference room was horrendous and lacked creativity. From the poop brown walls to the fake ficus in the corner, it was somehow both boring and painfully ugly. Unfortunately, my suggestions to renovate the room were completely disregarded. If I had the decision, changing the layout of the room would be number one in my list as well as replacing the uncomfortable furniture. The chairs were small so that broader guys like Silas and North barely fit in it.

"Hello. I think you guys might be in the wrong place." Her voice was captivating as she spoke. Was I the only one who noticed the strained smile that she gave us?

Seconds passed, which turned into minutes, but no one had worked up the courage to respond to her.

The whole awkward encounter was over twenty minutes ago and still, everyone had been keeping to themselves.

Just then, Dr. Roberts finally decided to appear. "I apologize for arriving late. It seems the meeting took longer than I expected."

Mr. Blackbourne nodded, his expression carefully blank.

"Now that everyone is here. I would like you all to meet my niece, Sang Sorenson. Sang, this is the Blackbourne team. They are going to help you with your ... situation. " My mouth gaped as our gazes shifted to look at the doctor and her.

.....No fucking way.


Sang Sorenson

"Wait. The Academy is a secret organization... that helps individuals from difficult situations... and it just so happens, that you work for this company and you want me to remain hidden from them. While this team right here is going to help me for a few months?" My uncle appeared relieved as I tried to grasp the unexpected information.

Almost immediately, I burst out laughing at his revelation but was caught off guard when I realized that they were all looking at me with stoic faces. He can't be serious, right?

"I know this may all seem shocking and overwhelming to you, but I need you to understand that your life might be in danger." Never in my life had I witnessed him be this serious, and the way he said it was honestly scaring me.

"W-what do you mean?"

Before he could answer, the man in the expertly cut gray suit interrupted him.

"Hello, Miss Sorenson. I am Owen Blackbourne, leader of the Blackbourne team. As you can see, the correspondence that you have been receiving is a serious matter. This faceless stalker named Volto has captured our attention but unfortunately, we cannot disclose any more information to you."

"This is where it becomes complicated. The good news is that I've already confirmed with your agency that you will be taking a break before your next event starts in six months and also, the Blackbourne team has a new assignment with which there's a high chance Volto could be involved. I think this is the right time. I am going to give this folder to you, Dr. Green, to continue with the news."

A man with sandy blonde hair in gentle curls and a kind smile approached him to take the folder. "It was detected two weeks ago that Volto's firewall was briefly broken. His location was last pinged in Westview..."

While he continued reading, the frown on his face deepened and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Before I could get caught staring at the handsome doctor, I looked at the white tiles of the floor, which seemed interesting at the moment. Unfamiliar emotions did not go unnoticed as I felt my stomach fluttering while I watched his lips move.

It seemed like everyone had their conversations with someone except me, and my uncle who continued to watch them like we were out of place.

"Hey, Kota."

"Yeah?" A guy who looks like an athletic Spider Man answered.

"Isn't that an elite boarding school?"


"What the fuck?! Does that mean Volto could either be a student or one of the staff?" An attractive brunette with dyed blonde streaks in the front of his hair exclaimed. My uncle stood in stunned silence, too shocked by his outburst to think of a response.

"Mr. Coleman. Please refrain from interrupting." Mr. Blackbourne said in a hardened tone.

"Are you gentlemen also forgetting that it's an all boys school?" Dr. Green's spoke out quietly.

"I'm sorry for my abrupt question Dr. Roberts, but what does this new assignment have to do with Ms. Sorenson?"

"Well, Owen. Since your team has been assigned to watch my dear niece and to kill two birds with one stone." His grin widened and I looked at him horrified. He was actually trusting these nine handsome men to include me with their mission.

"No!" I kept repeating the word like a mantra.

They looked shocked at my sudden outburst, but I couldn't care less at the moment.

"But, no females are allowed in the school."

"Dimwit. That means she gets to go undercover with us."


Quick explanation and warning for this chapter. I know some parts still does not make sense and the plot is moving too quickly. But, there is a reason for that. In the beginning, the main concept of the plot was her job as a Victoria Secret model. However, I realized it was much difficult to try to connect some areas of her job with the story. So, I made some changes that would be explained later on. Lastly, I am aware this chapter may seem unrealistic for any adult male to allow his niece or any female to go with nine men, especially in an all boys school. But, Dr. Roberts trusted the Blackbourne team(even though, some of them acted immaturely than others). It was a good choice for Sang to live with them for several months rather than to let her continue living in an abusive household.  

Sorry for taking so long to update. I had several essays to do and my final exam was the week. I honestly do not know if my eyes are deceiving me right now or my brain is too exhausted to process, that this book is at three thousand reads. I still can't even believe this book reached a thousand reads. 

Question: How is everyone doing? It is almost the end of the year and with the pandemic, well everything else is tiring to do.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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