Chapter #2- The truth untold

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In the Isle(larabelle's P.O.V)

(P.S:I'll skip the singing part.if you haven't watch that scene,kindly watch this video.this is the video of their intro.Just imagined One girl is added in it.)

After singing:

Mal stole a candy from a baby in a wagon.And we laughed.

"stealing candy Mal?I'm so disappointed"Maleficent said while walking towards us with his two dumb boys following him.

"It's from a baby".Mal replied to her mother smiling"That's my nasty little girl".Maleficent said then she took the candy from Mal's hand.She spit on the candy and put it in her armpit then handed it to one of his boys."give it back to the dreadful creature".

I rolled my eyes at what maleficent did.just then.

"moom~".Mal whined."Stop it mal,you know the difference of being mean and truly evil.When i was your age I was- cursing entire kingdoms".Maleficent and I said the last word in unison.Maleficent looked at me smirking.I hate that smirk,I thought.

"Ohh,there's news"maleficent said staring at the five of us.We looked at each other then back at her confused.

"you five has been choosen to go to a different school- in Auradon"she said.And me and my other friends tried to escape but her knuckleheads block our way.

"I'm not coming,my mother is sick.And most of all i hate going to school filled with bream pink prissy princesses"I said to her,look of being disgust in my face.

"And a wonderful prince"Evie,daughter of Evil Queen replied,just then me and mal glared at her then she looked down.

"And also i don't do uniforms,unless it's leather.You feel me?"Jay,son of jafar also said while laughing.

"And by the way,I heard my mom say that they let dog's there that eat boys that don't behave"Carlos said,son of cruella de vil.Then jay woof behind him that made carlos scared.

"yeah mom,They're right.We're not coming"Mal finally spoke.

"ohh your thinking small,pumpkin.This is all about world domination"Maleficent said smirking before going back inside the castle,with evil smile on her face before she called her daughter."Maal~".

Ugh i hate that smile.I thought before following behind mal and the others.

Once we got inside the castle.I left them for awhile and went to my mom's room.
And there,i saw her lying in the bed with no energy.

My mom is Queen of heart,she is one of the most evil villian in this land,but for me,she isn't.Some people always asked me if am i really a daughter of queen of hearts.That's one of the question that's also running in my mind since then because we don't look alike.We look different,yes.But my style and my hair is just the same color with her,so even if they say that I'm not a real daughter of her.I don't believe them unless she told me so.

People in this Isle know who I am and who my friends are.And everytime they hear our names,they are scared of us and run away for their lives,but not all people run away from me.Not all people are bad in this place,some are good and i only show some of my good side at them.They're not just scared of us for being the most evil they saw but also because of our parents.

But its different to me.For them,they are scared of my mother since she is one of the most evil villain but no she isn't.She changed a long time ago.Since I was a baby,i was taken care by her and she's so good to me like a real mother would be but not at all times.sometimes she need to show me her evil side so that I'll follow what she wants but not in a bad way.she shows me when I do something bad that she doesn't want.

She is a villain,but she didn't teach how to be a pure and real villain.She teach some bad things like a real villian should do but more on good things.She also taught me to be strong and not let other people take advantage of my good side since she knew that I'm not a real bad person.

Back to present:
I walked near my mother and caress her cheeks.Jusy then she woke up.

"I'm sorry,i didn't mean to wake you up"I said apologizing to her.but she just smiled at me."It's okay,my princess."she said reassuring me.That is how she treat me,she treat me better that other people won't believe if they heard about what a villain treated me.

She was about to sit in her bed but she doesnt have much strength so I helped her sit."I heard that you're one of kid that's been chosen to go to auradon,that's why I packed your things already."She said pointing at my bags."but mom your sick,i can't just leave you here like this".I replied."No bella,you're going there,you're going to finish you're study,have a nice life,find your real family and don't think of me".Shee said.and what she said shocked me."real family?"I asked,cant believe at what she just said.She nodded,"I'm not your real mother bella,listen to my explanation first and I'll tell you".She said and I nod.

"Long time ago,not so long when we are put in this isle.One of my loyal friend came to me with a baby,and that baby is you bella".She said while holding my hands."He told me to take care of you since he's dying.Since he's one of my loyal friend I repay him by raising you.And that time,I already regretted all of my sins,when i first saw you i decided to change my life,of course I already stop doing bad things but I didn't show it infront of everybody and after that I start my new life with you".She said that but now holding my chin gently with her delicate hand."but nobody know about you,only me and him but since then,i haven't seen him again.I raised you like my real daughter,i taught you everything i know,the spells and everything even how to control your own powers.Always remember,do not tell anyone about that powers of yours because i don't want other people used you to do what they want especially- maleficent".She whispered the name."If your not my real mother.Do you know who my parents are?"I asked looking at her with hoping eyes but sadly she shook her head."I don't know who your real parents are bella.When i tried to ask him,he didn't asnwer my question and left quickly."She replied to me with sad tone."but I have something that might help you in finding your real family."She said that make's me raise my head and look at her again but felt relieved now.She suddenly gave me a bit big rectangular box.When I open it,i saw a bracelet with stars in it,a necklace with a shoe or heels looking pendant and lastly,it's like a keychain but that can ba pinned in any clothes with a shoe or heels pendants again.

I looked at my so called mother and asked her."What is this mom?"."You have that with you when he gave you to me.You are wearing that necklace and that bracelet and this"pointing at the looking keychain."you have this pinned in your clothes before.I wish I have the clothes you wore when i first got you but I lost it,that's all I had hid.but I got a picture of you when your still a baby."She said also handing me an old picture."How did you get this mom?"I asked."I got that before camera's not used here in Isle".She answered and I looked at the picture."Why is my hair different?"I askes curious."That's your real hair but I changed it to my fav.color"She explained."And you're name,that really is your real name.I didn't change it because the time will come where it's time for you to find your real family and your real name can helo alot"She continued.

Until a car horn can be heard inside our room."I guess that's our ride,mom"She just nod at me."Be careful in there and fulfill my last wish okaay?"She said."Be good,change,find your real family and be happy.Also do some wicked things sometimes but not too bad that can sent you back here without even looking for you family."She said seriously and I nod before taking my bags went to the door.I took a last glance at her and heard her say something before closing the door."Don't forget my wish,Bella.Be careful my Princess".The last thing I heard before I went out of the castle.

I saw the other's already inside the car except for Mal whose putting her thing in the back.I went to her and also put my things before following her through the door,but before we got in the car.We both took a glance at the castle and I saw maleficent doing some eye to eye hand gestures to Mal and She smirk at me.

And after that we got inside the car and drove off.

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