chapter #5- The love spell

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Me and the girls are in the dorm.while mal was reading through her spell book and Evie on her desk sketching.I was here in my bed spacing out again.

I've been thinking on how to start looking for my real family but how can i find them when I don't even know a single thing about who they are.

This problem is making me frustrated.Then my mother suddenly came in my mind,I wonder how is she and if she's alright.But then someone cut me off by my thought and when I look.I just saw jane walk in whining about her mother.Another problem is the wand,why does maleficent can't even accept that she'll be locked their on the Isle forever.

I stop what I thought about mal's mother and just listen at what they're up to.

"Ahh,mom said 'if the boy can't see the beauty in within then he's not worth it'.Where in the world does she even lived in?"I heard jane whined and annoyed."In Auradon"I answered her question.

"I'll never ever get a boyfriend"She said and I just rolled my eyes."Boy's are just waste of time"Mal said."How can you even say that mal when you haven't have one"Say's Evie."Because I don't need one"Mal replied."Ahh"Jane continue to whine while Lying at Evie's bed.

Suddenly a girl came in."Hi,I'm lonnie daughter of mulan".She introduced and I just rolled my eyes again,we're not even asking.

You must be wandering about my attitude well you know,my mother raise me properly but I still grew up on the isle of the lost so I have the environment's attitude with me.And beside,you can't just show them kindness,you have to be hard so you won't break if they throw you after using.

Back to the present:

"Well I know you hate us since you grew up on the other isle and you're villain?but i loved what you did to Jane's hair.Would you mind if you'll do mine too?"She asked making me look at her.I can't believe girls in Auradon want to have nice hair so badly.

"And why would i do that for you?what would i get in return?"Mal asked her.
"I'll pay you 50 dollars"she said while shaking the pouch of money."Good answer,I still need to buy some more materials.How about we lost the bangs-"She was cut off by Lonnie.

"I want it to be cool like mal"She said pointing at mal.while me and jane are just watching them."You want split ends too?"Evie asked Lonnie.And she just nod."M,do it for her,girl"Evie said to mal.
Mal sighed and took her spell book and look towards lonnie.

"beware,foreswear,replace the old with cool hair"Mal said while doing hand gesture that lonnie's head follow and then Magic!
Her hair changed into a long and a bit curly hair.

She went through the mirror and watch her new hair in awe.She then think of an idea and ripped the side of her skirt.

It shocked me."Whoa,cool style.I love it"I said complimenting her style.Just then,jane also went to the mirror and ripped the side of her dress.

She looked there like it was going to be end of her life."What did i just do?Mom's gonna kill me"She said freaking out.And I just laugh at her reaction.


We are still here in our room doing each others things.then suddenly jay and carlos came.

Carlos went to Evie's bed with dude in his hand,then he lay dude in the bed and played with him.Meanwhile Jay came in,showing us her jersey proudly with no.8 in it and his name.

"So how's you're plan with jane?did it work?are you gonna see the wand?"Jay asked Mal who was silently going through her spell book."Would I be running through my spell book if the plan didn't go wrong?"Mal replied,annoyance in her voice.

"Looks like someone's in a bad mood today"Carlos teased."Just shut up carlos if you don't want to be spelled by mal"I scared him which made him silent.

"We should do another plan since we can't just stay with jane"Mal replied irritated."I heard that FGM will be blessing ben using her magic wand  in the coronation".Evie said that made us all look at her.When one of us wanted to say something.A knock on the door cut it off."Hold on that thought"I said before standing Up to open the door.

When I opened the door,i was surprised to see Ben."Oh hey Bella,I was just wondering since I haven't seen you guys today maybe you have something to ask or something?"He said."Not that I know of"I said while opening the door wider to see if they have questions.But they shook their head."Well that's all.I guess I'll just see you later."Ben said almost leaving but before he can leave I called him."Uhm wait Ben."I called out.He turned around to look at me again."what is it?"He asked."Is it true that we can go to your coronation?"I asked."Yeah,the whole school goes".He replied again."Uhm is there any chance that any of us can go sit in the front?you know soak all that goodness?"I asked him."I wish i could but in front is me,my folks and My girlfriend"Ben said looking a bit disappointed."Your girlfriend?"I asked again to know of did I really heard the right word."Yes"He said making me feel something.I'm not jealous right?I can't.

Ben was about to say something when I didn't let him finish and just closed the door.I face my friends and smirk at them."I guess it's time for bennyboo to got himself a new girlfriend.And I need a love spell"I said to them.And mal already had her spell book in her hands whike smirking."But I'm not gonna do it".Mal spoke."What do you mean?"I asked confused."I can't be the one to give him the the potion.It should be you,Bella since you liked him"Mal added making the others smirk and teased but at the end they all agreed.

I don't want to do it since my mother had told me not to do bad things already.But I haven't told mal and Evie about the truth yet that's why I can't do anything to disagree on their decision for me to do it.


I was now on the locker waiting for ben.We have made the cookie last night and it needed a tear,thankfully lonnie came and save the night.That's why the fully baked cookie is now in a plastic bag in my hand.Mal patted my shoulder mouthing me a goodluck.

I heard Audrey saying goodbye to Ben and left.when she left that's when I made my move."Hey bennyboo"I greeted him mocking his girlfriend,and gladly he just laughed at what i did."I made a bunch of cookies,you want some?"I offered hoping he'll accept."Uhm I have a big game,I don't really eat before a big game,but thank you next time,next time"He said."No.yeah i understand,Be careful of the treats offered by the villain kids.I'm sure everybody in auradon knows that''I said looking like I was sad and making him guilty for rejecting what I offered.Ahh.I can't do this.It's hard.I thought.''No,no,no.. That's not true"He said making me feel better."you're Cautious,that's smart.Well,more for me I guess"I said almost eating up the cookie but Ben snatched it from my hand and took a big bite on it."See I've told you,I trust you"He said while chewing in it and looked through my eyes."Bella,have you always had that golden flecks in your eyes?"He said making me spoechless and just stared in his calming brown eyes.Just then jay came from the back and hold ben's shoulder."How are you feeling bro?"Jay asked."I feel like.. feel like singi-"I covered his mouth before he can say my name."Well you still have a big game to do.You should go now,goodluck"I said pushing him away and I just saw him flew a flying kiss to me and wave goodbye.

"Step 1 complete"Mal said smirking while victory smile on Evie's face.I just smiled at them and remembering about Ben,it made me happy somehow but also sad since he's not really inlove with me.It's just the potion.And I also feel bad for mother I'm sure if she's here she must have punished me already for what i did since this is not what she wants me to do.

I just shrugged all of my thoughts away and went to the bleachers to watch the tourney game.

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