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(adj.) Cozy and Unpretentious.


Chapter 52


I'm not usually dumb but sometimes, I do shit so stupid even I surprise myself. Just like this time. I was walking out of the bathroom in third floor, when I saw Brandon walking up the stairs. I was standing on the top of staircase.

I had no reason to freak out. But I did.

Shrieking lightly I started to walk in the opposite direction. That didn't go unnoticed by him. Brandon has asked me to stop, not harshly. I barely heard him, I was busy striding to the opposite side of the floor where another staircase was.

And now, I'm being chased by Brandon.

"Hey Tara! I asked you to stop!" He yelled. I did as told and turned around to face him. "What do you want?"

"Why were you running?"

"I just didn't want to see your face so early in the morning." I replied. Brandon only scoffed. I turned to leave again.

"Wait I want to talk." He spoke up, making me halt. "Nice, but I don't want to talk to you Brandon. Have a shitty day, bye!" I took long strides. As long as it could be, because Brandon easily caught up to me.

"So you've heard about Xander, huh?" He questioned me and my heart dropped to my stomach.

"Uh-huh." I nod and look down at my phone. Tyler kept texting me continuously about where I am and it was getting annoying. I'm sure Adrian asked him to keep an eye on me and now Tyler's lost his shit because he can't find me.

"And do you know how pathetic he is? What he did last night?" Brandon spit out in distaste. I stopped to face him fully. "I know this might be surprising to you Brandon, but I really don't give a shit about your gang drama. So go find someone who wants to listen."

I tried to walk away again but this time he grabbed me by the arm to hold me in my position. "Did I give you a choice? Huh?" He inched closer to me as I pathetically struggled in his hold. He was going to leave his fingerprints on me.

"Let go off me."

"Xander and his dogs think they can just show up at our warehouse, burn our bikes and we'll let them get away with it? Those were new shipment. Inside it was stored kilos and kilos of cocaine for fucks sake! They burned the whole month's shipment! And now somebody's gotta pay." His eyes held so much anger. A shiver went down my spine.

"What have I got to do with this?" I asked still trying to take his grip off of me. His face formed a sickening grin. "You think I don't notice how Adrian and his friends have surrounded you? You're surely someone important. Someone Adrian wouldn't wanna lose."

"Leave her, Brandon!" I heard a shout. We both turned to see Tyler standing few feet away from us, with Justin next to him.

"See? This is what I was telling you." He spoke loud enough for me to hear.

"Fucking drop her hand Brandon!" Tyler shouted again.

"I don't understand." I mutter slowly. He scoffed at my response. "Tell Adrian I said, everything has a price and you," Brandon chuckled. "You are fucking expensive."

He dropped my arm before starting to walk away. I was left standing dumbfounded as the boys rushed to me and kept asking me different questions. I couldn't pay attention to them. I just wanted to see Adrian and maybe hug him.

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