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(n.) Special someone


Chapter 8


         "Babyyyyyy." A voice screeches.

Justin, Shawn and I turn our heads around to see what was that horrifying sound, but among us, Justin seemed the most enthusiastic. He opened his arms widely, as if for a hug and Lauren jumped into his embrace. She held on to his neck for dear life while Justin picked her up, pinned to a wall and they started making out.

"Is this what we call a horror comedy? Because I feel like crying and laughing at the same time." Shawn spoke next to me.

"Horror comedies don't make you want to laugh and cry at the same times. Not every time." I tell him, taking my eyes off from the dangerously heated make out session happening in the middle of our awfully crowded hallway.

"Can you just get the joke and laugh sometimes? Stop being so uptight." he commented,

Narrowing my eyes, I told him, "You call me uptight one more time, I will tell everyone you have a four inches long dick."

He made a face, "Even four years old don't have four inches long dick Tara. Do you know what you're saying?"

"I don't care about four years olds. I want to get to class, before they start tearing each other's clothes apart." My eyes drifted back to the couple. How can they even breath after the way they've been kissing all the time?

Maybe they are the only type of oxygen they need.

Odd thoughts, I read it in a book.

Justin's hand trailed down and further down, under Lauren's top. I quickly turn to Shawn, "Don't you think they need to be interrupted?"

He nods, "Yeah you should go and ask him to stop this."

"Me? No. You are going to stop them, before they get nude in front of us."

Shawn cursed and brought his fists to his gaping mouth. I turned around to see Lauren unbuttoning Justin's shirt. She forgot she was in the middle of the hallway? With above five hundred students gawking at her and her boyfriend? Or was she showing off?

"We don't want a porno Lauren. Continue this in your bedroom." Someone shouted. Every head turned to see who it was, Trevor.

Rolling my eyes I look back at the couple. Lauren's flushed face looked around as Justin put her down on the ground.

"I knew you were Justin's slut but did he pay to do the dirty in front of us? Or it was just a sneak peek?" Trevor asked

"Of What happens in their bedrooms?" Brandon added. Fucking dogs.

Justin kissed Lauren in the cheek and buttoned his one button. All of them were open, how can Lauren be so skilled?

I think I saw a girl taking pictures of Justin's bare chest. Girls will be girls.

"You want to know what happens in our bed Trevor? It's something your little chopstick down there is unable to do, so before calling my girlfriend a slut, why don't you tell us what your chopstick can do?" Justin smirked, that made a lot of us in the hall snicker.

"Girlfriend huh? I thought yesterday I saw you making out with Megan in the men's washroom?" Brandon shot back. So he decided to participate and thought I'll just sit back and wait him the show?

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