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(adj.) Sparkling.


Chapter 71


                     "It's a very bad idea and I swear on my dead grandma, when Xander finds out he's going to kill us. All. Of. Us." James warned us. Tyler scoffed. "Your grandma was hot."

James leaned forward for me to rest my face on his back as I silently peeked from our hiding position. Under James, Adrian and Tyler were crouched on the ground.

"Dad should be happy we aren't doing this to him." Atlas replied, his heavy head resting on my back. We were piled on top of each other, eagerly waiting for our lamb to get to his sacrificing point.

Mason, Katie's only brother, whistled as he walked out of the estate and he twirled his car keys around his finger. Oh boy...

He opened his car door that pulled on a string which released an egg. It landed loudly on Mason's head. Letting out a loud cry, Mason wiped the gooey thing as it fell all over his face. But then one by one, we dropped the flour, milk and sugar. Inside his car laid a note from us, get your own buns. Serves him right after he commented about my butt being delicious buns. That little pedo fucker.

Our group burst into fits of laughter, too far away for Mason to hear us. James did the best he could, grabbed as many of us as possible before running away from there. We laughed and ran to the backyard, my stomach hurt from the fits of laughter. It didn't seem to stop.

"Watch out for your heads boys! I'll go hide behind my dad!" I mocked them. It was very silly but it still boosted my ego. Xander has been nothing but sweet to me, but after I finally started calling him dad. He doesn't even raise his voice around me. I got away with almost anything I did. I think I'm a bit spoiled...

Last week, it wasn't a prank but it still served his homophobic ass right, we sent him multiple giant chocolate dick from an online website. He was trying to shame Ethan and Tyler about being the only gay dudes in the house, saying it's actually a psychological problem.

Xander forbade us to do anything, but we were kind enough to send him a giant chocolate dick every now and then, putting dildos in his cupboard, filling empty condoms with lotion and putting them under his duvet. He would cause a scene each and every time, blame it all on us. But his stupid ass didn't have any proof. Dad knew it was us all along but didn't do anything about it. As boyfriend dearest liked to put it, he is wrapped around my pinky. I have no intention to take advantage of Xander's kindness but every now and then I just... you know.

I have no idea why Katie's asshole brother was here. No one seemed to like him. A few days ago, I found an old picture of her in Atlas's bedroom. My breath hitched at how beautiful she was. Sadly Atlas didn't resemble her. She seemed like such a nice person though, what went wrong with her brother?

Dad must've heard us laughing and joking in the backyard as he made his appearance outside, a glass of scotch in his hand. He was a man of expensive taste. He sent an amused smirk our way. Somehow sobering up, I waved at him. He motioned me to come to him.

"And what exactly have you done this time?" He asked me. I innocently smiled up at him. "Nothing big really. Just a little baking." I answered. He doesn't know what comment Mason made on me, he thinks we're still taking revenge for his previous comment. He smiled and ruffled my hair before walking inside the house.

I jogged back to the boys who were fighting each other now. Atlas picked up Adrian by his and threw him over his shoulder. "You've been a bad kitty. Daddy has to punish you now." Atlas joked as Adrian thrashed around in his vice grip.

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