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(adj.) darkened by clouds.


Chapter 56


Ethan and I stepped inside our empty house. We dropped our bags and headed to the kitchen. Ethan was going to make me spaghetti and we are gonna talk while he works his magic. I didn't approve the plan at first. Being in the kitchen, does something to me.

I sat on the counter as the Ethan prepared his sauce. "So..." He trailed off, eyes on my every move.

"Just get it over with." I told him. I'm already tired.

"I know it must hurt a lot. Being judged by so many people, specially a person you're so close to. You didn't deserve it, any of it." He spoke. I smiled at him, one of my pathetic heartbroken smiles. "If you continue pitying me, I might end up crying."

"You know what Chandler said?" Ethan gave me a half smile. "He said, when a bad bitch like her is heartbroken, that's how you know you fucked up big time."

I looked away and smiled. Ethan kept stirring his sauce. "At least they realise what they've done." He shrugged his shoulder.

"I don't give a fuck about what they think. Is that why you're here? Is that the important thing?" I snapped. He sighed. "They boycotted Carlos." He spoke. "Tyler told me how mad Adrian got. He was so angry he punched Carlos when he was on the bed, resting."

"I don't wanna hear what happened at that house Ethan." I snapped again.

"Please Tara? Just this once?" He pleaded me with his eyes. He found his answer in my silence.

"So, they all got mad about why Carlos would spill all those lies about you. It was fucking disrespectful. The situation was so serious that Xander had to jump in to stop them from fighting each other. You know, the leader?" He looks at me and I nod my head.

"Tyler can't even explain anything properly. But he said how everyone regrets everything. James. I thought he'll get mad at Carlos and do something really bad. Instead he just left town. He won't pick his calls. Everyone is about to lose their damn mind." He continued on. My heart felt tight upon hearing his words.

"One thing that surprised me. Adrian, Atlas and Carlos have been best friends since their childhood. They practically grew up together. But something happened and Adrian drifted apart from them. After that day though, Atlas and Adrian are close again. Both get drunk together. Adrian drowns his sorrows and Atlas, I guess he feels guilty too." Ethan walked around the kitchen as he tried to find everything he needed for his spaghetti. I look down at my dangling feet.

"Is that supposed to make me feel good about all of this?" I spoke after a while. "Because it's not helping."

"They want to say sorry." He replied.

"I don't need their fucking apology." I yelled , my heart beat fastening. "It's not going to fix anything. It's over, whatever petty bond I had with them." Tears stung my eyes.

"That's what I said! I told him to not even come near you. But how long are you gonna hold grudges against them? Try and put yourself in their shoes." He spoke calmly. It only fuelled my anger.

"Tell them I asked them to fuck their shoes!"

"It wasn't even their fault. Carlos did it! And Tara! They've known Carlos longer than they've known you. If Justin and I came to you regarding the same issue but we both said two different things, who would you believe?" He shouted and I fell quiet. The answer was obvious. I'd definitely believe Justin. He smiled at me, he knew my answer too. "You can say it! I don't mind. And here's why, Justin is your best friend for a long fucking time and I've known you for a few months only."

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