The Beginning

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JD stood in front of his latest victim. A cold, emotionless glare stared into the eyes of the victim who was trembling already knowing what would follow. He tilted his head and slashed the victim's pressure point between the upper and lower arm. And followed to do it to the other arm. The scream was held back by a gag tied around the victim's mouth. The young killer smiled at his little handy work and proceeded to cut the knee joints and ankles. This caused the victim to suffer through the pain. It wasn't enough to bleed out or flat out kill them. He looked at his victims wrists and slashed them as well again only enough to cause emense pain but not enough to kill them. He cut their arms masking the torture as self harm seamlessly. The victim was a blank canvas now turning masterpiece for this killer. He turned and found a rope laying in the bed and smiled to himself. After bruising the victim to induce physical abuse by the parents, he hung the victim from the ceiling lamp and wrote a note in the victims hand writing. He made sure everything was in its proper place and finger prints were no longer found. He made sure if there were any prints that it was the victims and not his own. This killing was from two weeks ago.
   JD now stood on the steps of Westerburg high in Sherwood Ohio. His father thought it would be a great idea after the deaths both JD and himself had caused. JD had little to no respect for the lives he took. He was careful however into not making a pattern for himself. He listened to the news everyday and listened to police scanners insuring that what the police find are only definite suicides. He typically kept to his own agenda where as his father killed anyone and everyone. JD was a master at masking his homicides as suicides. He kills out of nowhere and never once does he get caught. He never cared about the pain he caused due to the fact that he himself lost people he cared about. He only thought it was fair if he inflicted that pain on someone else. Staring at the doors of the high school, JD walked forward. He had kept his head down and his mind clear. If no one bothered him, he coax the victim into trusting him. If someone pissed him off well a sane person would know the ending to that story rather quickly. He entered the office and signed all the necessary documentation for the school seeing that his father was no where to be seen. The secretary at the desk welcomed him warmly and told him where the cafeteria was seeing that was where the students were at now and that his first class would be his fourth period. Thanking her, the young killer walked to the cafeteria. This is where the fun begins.
    JD sat at the end of the cafeteria and  watched as students left and right came in and sat down. No one noticed him but he took note of every student mentally. He noted their behavior psychologically and physically. He noted how they spoke to each other. He documented how they acted around the opposite sex and how each clique worked. That was when his dark green eyes landed on four girls. One in Red, Yellow, Green and Blue. He heard about them in the small time he was in the dreaded school. Three of them shared the name Heather but the fourth one was a mystery to him. It struck him as odd almost. He wasn't sure how to he would place her. She was popular, he'd give her that but she wasn't cruel as everyone else in the clique. She seemed to have treated people with respect. He noticed a paper and pen and frowned. 'Maybe not,' he thought dully. She passed the note to the girl in Yellow who sneakily passed it into another student's  ,who was over weight, lunch tray. His eyes travelled to hers for a moment and then watched the chaos unfold. There was cruel laughter from the jocks and the student briskly walked out of the cafeteria. JD shook his head in disgust and avoided all contact with the girl in blue.  He glanced around the cafeteria with his gaze carefully avoiding eye contact with any of the students. Gaining sympathy points was something he didn't want. It was a weak feeling. He watched as the four girls continued to go around asking ridiculous questions. It was the same hell in a different place. He shook his head in disgust and looked around again. That was when he caught sight of the girl in blue. She looked him in the eye and she was coming towards him. 'Lovely,' he thought, 'You looked. Now you'll have to answer the same thing and pretend to be nice to her. Nice going Jason. Really.' He looked up at her and quirked a brow almost amused.
                      "Hello Jason Dean," she said her voice warm, innocent and something he didn't prepare himself for.
                      "Greetings and Salutations. Are you a Heather?" He asked a smirk on his lips knowing the answer had to of been yes.
                      "No. I'm a Veronica. Sawyer," she said, "I'm gonna ask you a stupid question."
                     "There are no stupid questions," JD replied. He was genuinely surprised at how much seemed to have despised this job as much as he did and he wasn't the one asking questions! He gave her a sly smirk and chuckle before nodding to her.
                     "You inherit five million dollars the same day aliens say they're going to blow up the earth in three days. What do you do?" She asked with her own smirk.
                    "That's a really stupid question," he chuckled a little bit and looked at her. 'Mostly because I could care less about the money. But I'll play your little game Sawyer,' he thought then gave her his answer, "I'd go out on the lake with my sax and a botfly of toquilla."
                     "How very," she replied that small smirk still on her lips.
      JD nodded to her and noticed as the red Heather came up to them. JD tilted his head and looked up at her appearing docile and innocent. Veronica was something new to him. She genuinely hated this place as much as he did. He found it kinda cute almost. 'What? No. You can't think like that!' He thought coldly. He watched as Veronica was pulled away from him.
                       "See you later," she said to him.
                       "Of course," he responded shortly after she had left him alone. The killer leaned back against the wall and looked forward. This was going to be fun.
   From the corner of his eye, he spotted two jocks stalking over towards him. He quirked a brow up. 'Must've talked to a girlfriend. Oops,' he thought as his expression became deadpan again. Jocks were the same in every state. All they wanted was dominance. JD wasn't going to let them have that satisfaction.
                           "Hey Dick. You gonna eat that?" One of the brutes said a glare in his eye and a finger in JD's chicken pot pie.
                           "My buddy Kurt asked you a question," the other growled.
                            "Hey Ram, doesn't this cafeteria have a no fags aloud policy?" The one dubbed Kurt retorted a sly smile on his face.
                             "You seem to have an open door policy for assholes thought. Don't you?" JD asked, sarcasm dipped in honey  that hid a deadly sting of  a threat.
                             "What'd you say dick?" Ram snapped.
                             "I'll repeat myself," JD said and pulled out his gun that was hidden in his trench coat pocket. He fired multiple blanks at the two. The two jocks ran with tails between their legs. JD stood there amongst the chaos completely at ease. He scolded himself of course but the two jocks just pissed him off. This was a warning.
      The next one won't be.

1346 words. Man. This is the best idea I could come up for JD. He still has his charisma and his quirks but man adding two serial killers from two books of the same series and giving him some of those qualities to makes it all worth it. I hope you guys like this one. I'm gonna start on chapter two today or tomorrow. Let me know what you guys think!

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