Calypso on her period (Caleo)

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Around lunchtime, Leo walks into the living room only to be greeted with a remote chucked at his head. 

"Ow!" Leo complains. 

Calypso was on the couch wrapped in blankets so Leo could only see her face. She had a Doritos bag next to her and a nasty look on her face. 

"What's wrong Calypso?" Leo tried to sit down next to her, but Calypso shoved him with her foot. 

"Geez chiquita! Why are you so mad?" Calypso responded with a mixture of yelling and crying.

"Calypso, are you okay? What happened?" Leo spoke softly, causing Calypso to break down and stuff more Doritos in her mouth. Leo extended his arms for a hug and Calypso accepted. He sat down and Calypso leaned on his shoulder. Anastasia was playing on the TV. Soon enough Calypso fell asleep. 

When Leo was absolutely sure Calypso was sleeping, he Iris-messaged Jason. 

As Jason came into focus, Leo whisper-yelled, "Dude, Calypso is really mad for some reason! I went into the living room and she started crying and yelling at me, please tell me what's going on!" 

Jason was holding in laughter. 

"W-what's so funny?" Leo asked, furious.

"Dude, I'm pretty sure she's on her period," Jason laughed. 

"Wh-um? What?? What's that??" Leo said. There was a hint of worry in his voice. 

"It's a woman thing," Leo heard Piper say in the background.She appeared to be playing one of the God Of War games. Piper continued. "She's gonna have major mood swings, so try to stay patient and out of her way-"Piper paused to take a sip of her Monster"- also if you get into an argument, NEVER ask if she's mad because she's on her period. This will most likely result in double homicide."

Leo couldn't help but be a teensy bit worried. "Uh, anything else?" He asked. 

"Oh yeah," Piper said. "If she asks for something, get it for her if you want to keep your head." She laughed. "Just remember she's not always like this when she's on her period, so you don't have to be afraid of her. Sometimes." 

Leo nodded, a little scared to be honest. 

The time then ran out on the Iris message. 


When Calypso woke up, Leo had his arms wrapped around her and intently watching Pretty Little Liars. How dare he change the channel. 

She was about to yell at him when Leo looked at her. 

"Oh, hey babe," Leo's smile faded when he saw Calypso's angry expression. "Are you..still mad?" 

Her frown disappeared and she replaced it with a mildly annoyed face. "No, I'm not mad at all. But like, Pretty Little Liars isn't even good."

Leo looked offended. "It is amazing!" He turned away. "You're just jealous of my good taste."

Calypso rolled her eyes.  At least the cramps aren't as bad,  she thought. Then they hit her  like a train. Leo knew something was wrong.

"Hey what happened? Do you need anything?" 

From under the blankets, Calypso's muffled voice demanded, "Give me pretzels."

"Yes ma'am." Leo jumped off the couch and went to their kitchen. He poured her a bowl of chocolate covered pretzels and ran back to the living room. 


When Calypso felt Leo's weight on the other end of the couch, she slipped her hands out and snatched the bowl of chocolate pretzels. Leo laughed. By then it was around 9 o'clock. 

"Hey babe," Leo yawned, "I'm going to bed." 

No response. Calypso was still buried in her blankets. Leo lifted the blankets off and saw that she was sleeping.

Leo had no idea he had enough strength to carry Calypso up the stairs, but somewhere in his scrawny-ness, he got her up to their room. Leo was exhausted and flopped onto the bed. He tucked Calypso in and then laid in bed himself. Calypso snuggled up against him and Leo smiled. He hugged his girlfriend and drifted off to sleep. 

Hey guys! Sorry this is late, I've been procrastinating a lot lately, I've just not been feeling into it. I'll try and update as soon as possible, suggestions are also greatly appreciated. Bye for now!


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