Solangelo because OTP

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Nico was pretty bad at waking up on time, but this time was different. 

"Nico! Gods, why can't you wake up on time, like, ever?"

He groggily sat up, his vision blurry, then refocusing. In front of him stood an angry-looking son of Apollo. 

"Huh?" Nico rubbed his eyes and stretched. "Oh, hi, Will."

Will wore an orange shirt, a corner of it tucked into long bootcut jeans. Behind him lay a small medical bag that he managed to carry everywhere. He also wore a not-so-friendly look on his face. 

"Nico, I'm gonna lose it, " He paused to give Nico a dirty look. "I told you no stupid underworld-y magic, but did you listen to me? NoOoO, instead, you decide to do the stupidest thing ever and summon, like, a billion skeletons! Guess what happened afterward? You passed out and slept for so long Clovis would be impressed!"

Nico had a vague memory of what had happened. He was outside of camp, coming back from a quest, and a hostile mob of harpies came and attacked him. Nico was exhausted, but he managed to summon a group of skeletons. After the skeletons finished off the harpies and sank back into the ground, Nico almost passed out. He fell to the ground and the last thing he saw was a very worried-looking Will before his vision went black. 

"Well?" Will said, "What do you have to say for yourself?" 

"You're a worry-wart," Nico snorted. 

"Well, that usual sarcastic tone is back, so that's somewhat good." Will said.

Nico crossed his arms and turned away. God, I hate him.  

But a small part of him thought, Do you really though? Nico shook the thought and looked at Will, trying to take off his latex gloves that got caught onto his fingernail. Why in the Hades was he attracted to this dumbass?

Once Will did a final check on Nico, he was free to leave. Nico started to his cabin, as Will watched him go.

That night, Nico was lonely as ever. He wanted someone's company, perhaps a certain son of Apollo.. No. Will doesn't like him like that.

In Apollo cabin, Will wasn't doing much better. He wanted to hang out with Nico, to spend time with him, but Nico isn't a very social person. He probably wouldn't want to spend time with him anyways, with all the days he spent in the infirmary. You know what, Will thought, I never cared about Nico's opinions about me before, I won't care about them now. Will got up and grabbed his pillow and walked over to cabin 13.

A loud knock on the door startled Nico so much he fell out of his bed. On the other side of the door, Will heard a loud thunk followed by not-so-appropriate language. When the door opened, Nico was wrapped around his large fluffy comforter like a caterpillar.

"What do you want-" Nico stopped. "Will?"

Will gave him a sunshiny smile. "Can I come in?"

Nico was dumbfounded. "Umm, sure..?"

"Great." Will flopped on one of the spare beds. He landed on something hard. "What the-" He felt under the blanket, and pulled out a small shoebox. Nico's eyes widened. "Um, please don't touch that-" Too late. Will opened the box and found a huge collection of Mythomagic cards. Will stared at it for a second, while Nico shrunk under his blanket. Nico would have never considered what Will said next. "Can you teach me?" Nico spent the next thirty minutes trying to explain the game to Will.

"Is this Pokemon? This sounds like Pokemon," Will said.

Nico rolled his eyes. "No idiot, that game is almost as stupid as you."

When Will finally got the hang of it, they played a few rounds. Will lost miserably every time, but he was glad to be with Nico. Eventually, they got tired around 11:30, and Will was about to go to sleep. Nico needed to tell him. It's now or never. "Hey, Will?"

"Hmm?" Will turned around sleepily.

Come on Nico, it's now or never.

"Quindi, um, mi piaci, Will. Per favore, non pensare che sia strano-" Will gave him a strange look.


"So, Will, I sorta kinda come te, più che un amico..."

Oh my Gods.

Nico pulled the covers over his head in embarrassment, before saying,

"I like you, stupid. Like, more than a friend."

Nico heard a long pause before he heard laughter.

"Wanna know something?" He heard Will say.

"...Yes." Nico replied from under the blanket. Suddenly Will appeared next to Nico.

"I like you too."

Nico almost passed out. Did I hear that right? "You mean-wait, so you mean-" Will cut him off. "How about tomorrow we could get some lunch or something?" Nico was dumbfounded.

"Great! I should get to bed, I'll see you tomorrow," Will said as he walked out of Hades cabin. Once Nico got over his shock, He ran outside. Through the moonlight, he saw a sunshiny silhouette.

Nico shouted after him, "Will, get back here you smooth little son of a-"

Hi guys, Kingo here! Sorry for the late update, my schoolwork has been driving me insane! I hope you like this Solangelo headcanon, feel free to leave suggestions in the comments, and have a lovely day!~ 

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