Sort of Solangelo

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After the tour, I went to the rec room. Apparently I was a "demigod" and I had a godly parent, but this seemed like some crazy bullshit to me. I learned they had an area for hanging out and lounging, and after everything I was told, I decided I needed some time to process what the actual hell I heard.

(I know these couple first paragraphs aren't exactly to the point quite yet, but bear with me.. )

I understood it well enough, in fact, I've always adapted pretty well to new places and schedules, it's just, so weird  to find out I have secret siblings so suddenly.  (Alliteration haha) 

On my way to the rec room I passed two boys fighting. Loudly. So loudly, in fact, I could hear every word they each said.

"I sAID NO UNDERWORLD-Y MAGIC!" The first boy yelled.

"I DO WHATEVER I WANT, YOU PRISSY BITCH!" The second shouted back.

"waTCH YOUR LANGUAGE, YOU IDIOT SANDWICH!" This was like watching a tennis match at this point.


The first boy rolled his eyes. "You are so extra, Nico. I need to go anyway, catch you later."

The second boy-I assumed his name was Nico- looked, kind of, sad. Huh. Oh well. I continued on my way. 

That day I discovered the rec room had a TV for video games and a couch or two. Kind of a letdown, but whatever. I had time to pack a bag before my dad kicked me out, and I never knew my real mom, so I knew a little bit about letdowns. 

I also learned that everyone stays in cabins, but since I didn't know my godly parent, I had to stay in cabin 11, also known as Hermes cabin. I was only there for two nights, but let me tell you, it was packed. They didn't have enough beds, so I had to sleep on the ground. It was uncomfortable as all hell, but I finally managed to sleep.


In the morning I woke up fairly early for my usual wake-up time, so I guess that was good. On my way to the cafeteria, I saw the two boys from the other day. They seemed to be having a nice conversation, maybe even apologizing to each other. Come to think of it, they actually looked kind of cute together.

A girl was walking past, probably on her way to the training area. She looked maybe a couple years older than me, with stormy gray eyes like mine. I went up to her and asked, "Hey, I'm Kadence, I have a question." She looked at me and said, "You're new here, aren't you?"

I nodded. How did she know that?

She tightened her ponytail. She had blonde curly hair that bounced when she touched it. "Anyway," She laughed, "What's your question?"

I gestured towards the two boys. "Are those two dating or something?"

"Yeah," She looked at them. " That's Nico and Will. It might be hard to tell at first, because-"

"They fight all the time?" I guessed.

She nodded. "Exactly," she said. "Anyway, I'm Annabeth, I hope you feel at home here at Camp Half-Blood. I have an unattended boyfriend at the sword area, so see you around!"

She jogged away. I looked back at the boys. I smiled and walked to the cafeteria. 


Later that night at the campfire sing-along, I saw Will trying to get Nico to sing, and eventually Nico very reluctantly singing along.

A handful of songs later, I noticed Nico sleeping on Will's shoulder. Will's arm was wrapped around Nico and my heart exploded. They were so cute. It was so sweet I thought I was gonna get diabetes just watching.

When everyone went back to their cabins, I saw Will walk Nico back to his cabin. I'm 99% sure they would have kissed, but two Hermes brothers ran into me as I stood in the doorway of cabin 11. I don't know either of them, but I'm 100% sure they did it on purpose.

Camp Half-blood wasn't too shabby. I suppose I do feel at home. 

Ta-da! I decided to have a different view on this ship, so I tried this out. It also took a MASSIVE amount of trial and error, so yeah. Sorry for the really late post, I'll try to post more, but no promises. I really am sorry, I hope you like this Solangelo! Thank you and goodbye! ~Kingo

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