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Negan has Rick and his gang surrounded they are held at gun point and cannot go anywhere, Arat, Dwight are tied up and sitting by Negan, Laura, DJ, Regina, Gavin, Negan shouts down to Rick, " IT'S OVER RICK, I HAVE THE TRAITORS AND I DON'T INTEND ON KILLING THEM UNTIL AFTER THEY WITNESS THEIR PLAN FAIL BUT I AM MORE THAN HAPPY TO KILL THEM NOW, IF THAT DIDN'T PULL YOUR HEARTSTRINGS THEN I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT YOUR FRIENDS AT HILLTOP ARE DYING AS WE SPEAK, IF I NEED TO REMIND YOU, THIS IS ALL ON YOU, YA KNOW WHEN I KILLED YOUR PAL ABE AND YOU OTHER PAL GLENN, I HATED IT AND TO BE HONEST IF I NEVER DID IT THINGS WOULD BE DIFFERENT, I WILL NOT LIE PRICK, I ENJOYED THIS LITTLE REBELLION BUT ALL THINGS MUST END, SORRY NOT SORRY, YOU HAVE FIVE SECONDS TO GIVE UP... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... YOU NEVER MAKE IT EASY DO YOU ASSHOLE" Negan orders his soldiers to kill them, Eugene looks at their guns and holds his own tight, Negan shouts for them to fire, at an instant their guns explode, killing many, injuring more, Eugene turns and kills Regina and before Negan could kill him, Dwight takes Negan down, Negan punches him and runs to go and get Rick, Eugene unties D and Arat, then notices Rick going after Negan, the Saviors and Survivors aren't killing each other, they are just kind of watching the two fight it out, Negan punches Rick a few times and Rick does the same thing to Negan, Negan falls, his knife flies out, he picks it up and stabs Rick on his left side, and hits him on the back with Lucille, Rick dodges the next attack and kicks Negans leg hard, Rick crawls away while Negan wipes blood away saying, "It's over, you fought hard, I'll give you that but it's over asshole, it ends now." Rick turns to him using a tree to help himself up saying, "Do you ever just shut the hell up." Negan smiles saying, "You got more guts than your buddy Spencer, remember him?" Rick tackles Negan and punches him twice, Negan kickes him off, Negan uses Lucille to help himself up and starts to slowly walk to Rick, Rick struggles to pull the knife out, but still tries his hardest to do it, Negan starts to talk while walking, saying, "It's over just quit trying Rick... It was destined to end this way.... We both did what we had to in order to survive, I get that... But this is how it was always meant to end." Negan raises Lucille and in the nick of time Rick pulls the knife out and cuts Negan's throat, he drops Lucille as Rick looks down on him, and says "Shut the hell up for the last time" he kicks Negan down and turns to the Saviors and shouts to put their weapons down, he does the same for his people, "What happened, what we did... what we lost... there's gotta be something after. The ones who have 'em up, put your hands down. We're all gonna go home now. Negan's alive. But his way of doing things is over. And anyone who can't live with that will pay the price, I promise you that. And any person here who would live in peace and fairness... who would find common ground... this world is yours, by right. We are life. That's death! And it's coming for us. Unless we stand together! So go home. Then the work begins. The new world begins. All this... All this is just what was. There's gotta be somethin' after. WE ARE THE WALKING DEAD...." Rick walks up to Maggie, she says "You should have killed him for what he took from us." Rick looks at her and says "If I killed him them what better would we be than them, it would just be a cycle repeating, trust me I want him dead for what he did to Glenn and Abe but the past is the past and him rotting away in a cell is a million times better than dead." she looks at him and says while crying, "Thank you... thank you for everything you've done for Glenn. I know he was a good friend, and would have wanted this outcome. I'm at peace now, knowing that he has people like you to have his back no matter what" Rick puts his hand on her shoulder and says "Like I said before... I'm following you now" Rosita looks at Eugene and asks if the bullet trick was him, he turns and says to her, "I do take full responsibility for this... I am truly sorry for all of this, I just needed to get close so I could do this." Rosita responds with, "I'm glad you grew a pair after all this time. Abe would be proud of us right now." Eugene mentions how he misses him, Rosita does too and they look at the sky. Carol and Ezekiel see each other, they laugh as they hug it out, out of nowhere after a few seconds they kiss for the first time, Ezekiel smiles and they hug it out once more. Aaron and Cyndie get the news about Eric from two people from Oceanside, Aaron is broken by this and feels extreme guilt over not being there for him, he breaks down, Cyndie helps him through it, Morgan and Jesus talk about channeling anger a bit, while training, DJ, Dwight, Laura, Arat, Gavin, DJ says to them, "So this is our new life... Free, a new world, a fresh start." Dwight smiles and says, "I'm happy about it." Daryl pulls Dwight aside and they begin to chat, Daryl looks at him and says, "Your wife, she is out there still, thank you for all you have done. I know it wasn't easy for you..." Dwight looks at him and asks if he is asking him to leave, Daryl says, "I'm asking you to go and find Sherry, we got things here, when you return there will be a place for you here." Daryl gives him a gun and tells him to pick supplies up at Hilltop and a car and then to go and find her, Dwight reaches his hand out and Daryl pauses and then shakes his hand and they part ways, Rick tells them to all get into their vehicles and to head home, the Saviors, now led by the main Saviors that were Negan's right hands go home, to start rebuilding, the others head back to Hilltop,


They return and Judith runs out, Rick, Carl and Michonne run over to greet her, everyone reunites, Jerry and Nabila kiss and then head back in, Henry and Rachel run up to Cyndie and Morgan and go on and on telling them about what happened, Morgan tells Henry to slow down, he checks for bites and then tells Henry to go help unload stuff, Cyndie runs over to help carry Negan into the infirmary. Dwight drives to the house where he and Sherry communicated, he sees a paper that says "Texas" he sees it and says quietly, "I'm comin home to you..." a tear falls and he begins his long journey to Texas, Morgan says his final goodbyes to everyone and looks at the book Eastman gave him a while back and remembers the lessons he was taught, Morgan didn't want to be a part of all the violence, he wanted to leave and start a new life somewhere new. Carol and Ezekiel with the Kingdomers begin their journey home, so does Rick and his group, they all go in different directions at the end of the road. Negan lies in a car in and out, Siddiq stitches him back up, Morales mentions to Rick how after all of that, he is going to go and find his family, Anne offered to tag along, Rick turns to him and says "After all you have done, I wish you luck in finding them, you're a good man. Thank you." Morales smiles and sits back down, Carl puts his hat on Judith and says to her, "This is yours now..." Maggie sits down with a smile and looks at the drawing of Glenn that was just put up, she sheds a tear and says "You found me..." she says with a smile referring to when Glenn told her that he will find her before death."If you asked me a few years ago when all this started that the small group that survived the farm, prison, Terminus would have a bond stronger than iron and would be fighting for each other and would die for each other, I'd probably call you crazy... We now focus on the new world, we rebuild. Sanctuary will become a full time farming community, Alexandria will be cleared out and rebuilt, Hilltop will expand, The Kingdom will be fixed up, Negan will be locked away, Oceanside will forever feel that the ones who they lost to the Saviors are now avenged once and for all... Our new life begins here. The new world begins here. The New Beginning begins now... No matter how hard the past is, there is always a chance to begin again." Rick looks off into the sunset and remembers life in the beginning, how him and Carl would walk down a path by a farm, after he got back from work, Rick remembers the simpler days, he remembers all the ones they lost that led to that moment...


Morgan walks, runs, drives for hours, days, for a long time, he travels nonstop, he refuses to shave along the journey and it shows, he continues for a bit  until he sees the "WELCOME TO TEXAS!" sign, he looks back in the direction of west Virginia and looks forward to his future and his journey, he walks for a few hours until he comes across a gas station with a vehicle pulled up to it, he sees a woman walk in with an Indian man, Morgan sees them for a bit, overhears their conversation, "Madison are you sure they are even here? We have searched everywhere.", Madison looks at him and responds, saying "I'm sure, they never gave up hope in me, neither will I for them." Morgan sees they are possibly good people but he hesitates to interact with them, he follows their car a bit and keeps going, he follows them back to a checkpoint of sorts where they grab Alicia and Nick who were also searching for this mysterious person, object or place. Morgan's journey continues, as he sees the possibility of a new life here in Texas...


An Alexandrian and his friend are out running around, looking for supplies, they walk for a while and they goof off a bit to pass the time, they eventually hear footsteps, they look around and demand that they show themselves, the two hold their guns out and look around, they hear light whispering and get confused, thinking it was a prank they demand that the pranksters give up, they shoot warning shots and then four walkers come out, the two smile and put it off as them either hearing things or the other was messing with the other, they kill two of the walkers and suddenly a walker dodges a swing and stabs one in the chest, "SHHHHHHHHHH" the walker says as one guy slowly dies, the other one freaks out and is confused, a woman walks up and takes her mask off, she looks at him and the other person called Beta picks him up, Alpha walks to him, and and says calmly, "SHHHHHHHHH" she uses her knife to slit his throat, the man falls and the pair walk some more, they keep going until they see a giant windmill, they exit the woods to see Alexandria, Alpha puts her mask on and says, "It looks like we got more threats out here... Over time we can scare 'em, we can pick them off and send them running around, soon they shall join the horde, and they will learn... communities like this don't last... They will parish soon enough." Beta gives off a sinister smile and they walk off slowly.... One threat is gone... but a new one rose in it's place...


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