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There is war going on, people are dying from both sides and there is no turning back......


People struggle as they grab every gun, knife, sword, machete, everything that they can find and the battle begins, Saviors run in and start to shoot, Maggie puts on a vest and a thick coat and goes out into the fight, Jesus stops her and tells her to stay,they can't risk losing their only hope. Maggie turns to him and says "If I do that then I'm no better than Gregory, if I'm the only hope then you bet I'll fight to make sure that title stays true, I care about these people, if I die, it will come with a fight...." She pushes ahead and starts to shoot, she misses the first shot but then hits a Savior in the face and then Jesus spots walkers flooding in from a truck and some from the woods and he tells Morgan to get the ones from the truck and he'll get the ones from the woods. Gabriel is running, fast until a Savior stops him and points a gun at him and smiles and says "GOT YA" before he could shoot, Enid shoves a machete through his chest and helps Gabe up, before he could thank her, she was already gone.... The people of Hilltop fight the Saviors and don't intend on stopping now, Jesus kicks walkers down and stabs a couple Saviors without killing them, he cuts walker heads off, he is fighting hard and doesn't intend on stopping yet. Morgan kills many walkers and takes down some Saviors, Simon comes in on a vehicle with a big gun on the back and he gets down and orders the Savior to fire, the people of Hilltop duck under some things, Tobin is badly hurt and gets shot again in the chest, Enid runs up to him and drags him behind a truck and jakes her jacket off and wraps it around Tobins arm and cuts the sleeve off and puts pressure on his chest, and tells him to stay there, as she got up the gunfire stopped and a Savior put a bag over her head and she was knocked out. Jesus runs up to help but the same fate comes to him. Maggie and Kal run up to Tobin, she is angry,  she looks down to see Tobin has died slowly and she tells him that she is sorry and puts a knife to his head...  walkers start to come in and the Saviors with the mounted gun reload and the remaining broken people at Hilltop take the opportunity to get inside the Barrington house, they get in and barricade the doors, Maggie tells people to get upstairs and pick them off and tells Kal to try to reach Kingdom or Alexandria, her and Morgan go into a room where people are aiding the sick, she sees this and feels relieved that they are still alive. Upstairs people pick Saviors off and manage to damage the gun but that is not enough, it fires but jams, the Saviors are starting to get swarmed by walkers, and some run off to get away, the people at Hilltop pick off the remaining ones, and start to prepare the fire arrows, this takes a while but they get it and they hit some distraction spots that they had setup along the woods to distract any walkers that get in and it works, Maggie goes out with a few and they clear out the remaining walkers, they see that the prisoners they took are gone and an angry Maggie knows where they were taken, she orders the remaining able fighters to prepare to ride to the Kingdom immediately, the others stay back to repair the walls and fix the gate and aid the injured, Carson and Gabriel come out of the basement with a few people relieved that they made it and that they are safe to roam free, so they pitch in to help out with repairs.... And Maggie with the aid of the people she recruited head out....

Simon laughing in the truck tells the driver that they need to get back to Sanctuary with their new friends and celebrate.... Hilltop is broken and angry...

The Kingdom:

Ezekiel runs up, kills some walkers and saves a child from the walkers, he runs back with Jerry and puts the kid in the main building, Henry runs up and Carol tells him to get back into the building, Ezekiel takes him and turns to Carol and shouts "GO!! Get the people to safety and defend our home, I'll be back to help once everyone is safe.... Carol turns and loads a shotgun and says "With pleasure, she shoots a Savior and pulls her knife out and kills some walkers and the fight is on..... A molotov is thrown into two Kingdomers and they burn but the Saviors aren't done yet, Ezekiel puts some kids in seats and tells everyone to be calm as more explosion sounds fill the air.... He goes into the basement and opens Shiva's cage and tells her to follow, Ezekiel runs up the stairs and goes out and Shiva follows, she kills Saviors and some walkers, the Kingdomers have the edge in the fight so far but it isn't over yet.... Ezekiel draws his sword and gets into a fight with a Savior, swords clash, but Ezekiel is fast and he knocks the Savior's sword down and kicks him down, then ends him with a shot to the head, Ezekiel pulls out and Shiva lets out a loud roar as more Saviors spill in, Saviors outnumber them, two trucks back into the walls and walkers are let out and Saviors get the upper hand, Ezekiel sees a kid and his friend on the ground screaming as some walkers are lunging toward them, Ezekiel runs up and kills them and gets pinned by two walkers and tells the kids to run, they do and Ezekiel sees that that is the end, he sees no way out. At that moment Ezekiel closes his eyes and pictures life before and what life would have been like without the walkers and he opens them and says "I'm ready" he pulls his sword off the walkers and Shiva catches them and kills them, Ezekiel sits up and sees what happened and smiles, but that smile won't last... Shiva roars at Ezekiel, she kills walkers and they swarm her, Ezekiel breaks down and kills the walkers around her but one grabs his leg and bites his boot but he was lucky that it was thick, too thick for the bite so he kills it and sees a Savior running toward him, Ezekiel stabs the guy in the knee and pulls out and kicks him down for the walkers, Ezekiel runs.... He meets up with Carol who has killed a lot, she is making a couple bombs out of 1 grenade and a bottle of gasoline, with metal shards in another bottle, she tells him that she needs his help, Ezekiel wipes the shocked tears away and slowly picks one up and asks what it is and Carol smiles and says "You'll see", she walks out of cover and pulls the grenade and throws it, after a second it blows up and kills a few walkers and a savior, and Saviors unlucky enough to be too close end up getting shards of metal to the face, some are eaten, others  are screaming in pain as blood gushes out and they slowly die, they throw the rest of the bombs and kill the Saviors, Saviors retreat, and they drive off, the remaining Saviors stay back and fight, Ezekiel, filled with rage and sadness picks up a gun and squeezes it and starts to fire at the Saviors, people die but once more the Kingdom has the upper hand, Henry helps out the people in the main building, giving water with some others, until some Saviors break into the building and bust down the door and point guns at people, Henry tries to kill one but is knocked down, the Saviors that retreated only left for reinforcements and the battle gets uglier, Ezekiel runs out of ammo, Carol can't make more bombs since there is no time so they hide and see the newly arrived Saviors pulling people out and lining them up and getting ready to kill some and bring order back.... Carol and Ezekiel don't take time to make a plan, they don't think, they jump out and stealth kill two nearby  Saviors and take another two hostage and walk up, Ezekiel says to the lead Savior "There is no need for more bloodshed, let those people live, take me instead..... I deserve it, that's what you're after right? The king, the widow and Rick...." the Savior laughs and says "Screw those orders, I'm killing you bastards", Carol threatens to kill the men they have, the Savior dares her, Carol slits his throat, blood gushing, Ezekiel kicks the other down and knocks him out saying "You never kill an unarmed man like that" Carol reminds him who they are and draws a gun to the downed Savior and kills him... the other Saviors draw guns on them and before they could shoot the lead is taken out by someone, it's Maggie, she turns to another and other people from Hilltop join in and the Saviors are gunned down since they were unaware, the surviving ones were captured, Maggie and Morgan run up to Zeke and Carol and ask what happened, Ezekiel looking broken and angry responds with "The same as you I suppose" Maggie tells them how they need to get to Alexandria quick because that's the next target if it hasn't been attacked yet. And Zeke agrees and tells Jerry to gather any willing and able fighter and him and Carol help Maggie untie the Kingdomers...  Gavin, on a walkie in a Savior compound looking angry asks why they haven't killed them yet, a Savior responds with exactly what Gavin did not want to hear at all, he slams the radio down...

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