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EPISODE 1 "Mercy"


The season opens up with Rick laying in bed with Michonne, Rick wakes up and looks at his watch then at the window and notices the sun is already up, and hears the sound of children playing and dogs barking. He gets up and walks over to the bathroom and looks in the mirror and then washes his face, Michonne walks in and says "So todays the day" Rick looks at her and says slowly "Yeah it is, I feel a little overwhelmed by this, we haven't been in a situation like this before, this is war... You can't have a war without casualties" Michonne looks down then responds with "The way I see it, we have been at war since the beginning" Rick responds with "Yeah but this seems different.... Feels different" Michonne responds with "Maybe, but we have pulled through worse, like the Governor, Terminus, The Wolves, we will survive this..... We have you that's all we need to pull this off, they may have the firepower but we have you... The Legendary Rick Grimes" Rick chuckles and they kiss and Rick says "Let's get going we have a big day ahead"

Ezekiel gets out of bed and walks over to his window and looks at the people of Hilltop, Alexandria, Kingdom training, learning, playing, and enjoying life and he smiles, Jerry walks in and says "Your majesty it's almost time" Ezekiel responds "What time is it?" Jerry says "about 12 your majesty" Ezekiel responds with "Thank you Jerry, I will be down there shortly but before I must get dressed" Jerry responds with "No problemo your majesty" Ezekiel looks out his window one more time and says to himself, "Today is the day"

Maggie gathers her people around the front gate of Alexandria, as does Rick, Ezekiel and after a moment of silence Rick looks up and says "I know I haven't asked a lot out of most of you, you have been allowed to live here as you have without giving anything in return... But now our way of life is threatened, our lives here could end... we have to do something about that, I need your help to do so...." Maggie looks at the crowd and says "We need some of you to come with us, you know who you are, we appreciate the risks you're willing to take.... The rest of you, we need you prepared for what is to come" Ezekiel smiles then says "We're starting down a path, I don't know how long it is or where it goes but I know it ends in a good place...." Rick says "I need you to be ready to defend this place and everyone in it when the time comes... I know none of us are soldiers but if we fight together and protect each other then we are a force to reckon with, a force no army could stop" people then cheer after theat speech and they prepare for war, Rick walks up to Carl and hugs him and says "I'll be back eventually but until then i need you to stay here and keep things together, it's your show now Carl" Carl nods and Rick gets into a car, the militia gets into armored cars and they start to leave one by one, Carl shuts the gate behind them and watches as they get smaller the farther out they go.


A while later on the road Rick and co. run into a small group of walkers, they all stopped their vehicles and Jesus, Rick, Aaron got out to take them out, as they got out a few saviors jumped out of the woods and held them at gunpoint and right before the rest of the small group got out to fight more saviors showed up and had them surrounded. Rick with his hands up tells them to turn around pretend they never saw them, as Rick tells them that Jesus has his walkie on and he taps his boot on the ground three times and Ezekiel and his group hear the message on their walkies and he turns and says "Group A is in trouble, I'll go with Jerry, Carol, and you three, and take Shiva" As the saviors have them surrounded one turns his walkie on and says "Sanctuary come in.... Sanctuary it's patrol D, we have Prick and his friends, should we kill them or take them in?".... The walkie scratches and a voice comes on and it's Negan and he says "hahaaa we got the stupid little prick named Rick..... Take him, kill the rest" as the savior was about to carry out his order Shiva jumps in and kills some Saviors then Carol comes out, then Jerry and the others and start to shoot at the Saviors, the fight is short but was mostly in favor of Rick and co. They eventually kill them all and Ezekiel says to Rick "Like you said earlier Rick, if we fight together no army can stop us" Rick smiles and says "We should be close, there wouldn't have been a patrol out here if we weren't close" and Ezekiel responds with "Then we go onward towards victory" Rick picks the Saviors walkie up and says to it "We are coming for you Negan, this ends now" Rick throws it to the ground and breaks it then he tells his group "We must stick together to win this thing, the new world begins here...the new world begins now...."

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