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Rick and co leave the camp in Atlanta, leaving Morales and his family behind, Morales looks down to his daughter Eliza as she grips his arm, he tells them to start packing, they slowly go and pack. Miranda his wife asks him if they made the right choice to stay behind, Morales after a moment of silence, responds with "I hope so..." The sun starts to set, the family is around a camp fire eating what little food they have left. Louis, Morales' son gets up to go pee, Miranda tells him to keep an eye out for walkers and to stay close, she hands him a flash light and a knife. He runs off, Eliza tells them that she is tire, so she gets up and goes to get ready for bed. Morales and Miranda sit in peace and stare at the night sky, Miranda tells him that they should have left with Rick and Shane and the others, Morales agrees and tells her that they will try to catch up in the morning, he tells her that they will go for the CDC since they should already be there or almost there. Morales tells her that they should get some sleep, she calmly agrees, and they get up, Miranda yells for Louis but they don't get any response, Morales yells too but no response, after a minute of searching Louis jumps out and scares them, both jumping and Miranda lets out a small scream, Morales tells him not to play around again and tells him to get to bed. Morales tells Miranda that they need to make the kids know how the world is and what to and not to do, he tells her how this kind of stuff will get them all killed... Miranda reminds him that they are just kids, he agrees and tells her that they will need to learn eventually. In the morning, they all wake up, and get out, Morales sees that a group had been to camp and robbed them, Morales frantically searches the camp for any signs of what happened and tells his family to pack up and quick, they do it, Morales runs to the car and starts the car up and calls for his family, they run up and put their bags in the truck and they get in, Eliza asks Morales what is happening, Morales responds with "I'm keeping us all alive, whoever did this will be back..." Morales starts to drive as he sees a few walkers hastily walk in. He tells them that they need to get to the CDC.


Morales eventually gets to the highway, he starts to drive, he goes on for a little while until Louis yells out "Hey dad stop, it's Jim over by the tree over there" Morales confused stops, he grabs his gun and gets out, his family follows him out, they walk up the hill and they see a walker Jim sitting down by the tree, he snarls at them and growls, the family looking shocked and saddened understood how and why he was there, Morales tells Jim that he is sorry, he aims his gun and slowly pulls the trigger, he drops the gun and stares at the ground then at Jim and tells Miranda that he doesn't think the group made it, Miranda reassures them that they have Daryl, Dale, Shane, Rick, Glenn, Andrea, they will be fine, I have high hopes on them. Morales picks the gun up, and says "You're right" he walks with his family back to the car, they all are once again on the road, he drives for quite some time, and he sees that it is mid day by now, as they are driving, Morales tells them that he does not know how to get to the CDC at all and that they will have to stop and see if there are any clues. Miranda sees that there are no other options left so she agrees, Morales stops, and they enter Grady Memorial Hospital and he parks the car and loads the gun, ready for anything, he tells his Eliza and Louis to stay really close to him and Miranda as he hands them knives and tells them to run if there is no other option, Morales hesitantly starts to walk, his family follows..... They enter and start to go up the stairs and they get to the top floor only to be met by guns pointed at them and a cop, Dawn telling them to state their business. Morales and his family with their hands pointed up tell her that they are just trying to catch up to some friends that they lost. Dawn asks if it was the small caravan that was headed toward the CDC, Morales nods his head and asks if she knows how to get there, Dawn sees his kids and sees that he is not a threat, she tells her officer to stand down, she tells him that she will help him once they all get cleaned up and when they can confirm their story. Morales thanks her and a doctor guides them toward the bathroom where they can get a shower where they all get into, they all shower, and get cleaned, they put clean clothes on and they go out and put their gear together, they are thrilled to finally get cleaned. They go out and an officer directs them to Dawn's office, and Morales asks her what this place is and she smiles and tells him "Home, sanctuary, a place for those that need it." Morales is tempted to ask if they could live there but realizes that he needs to get back with the group, she sees that he really isn't lying and agrees to help him, she gives him a map and tells him where the CDC is and how to get there, he thanks her, he goes out to the car and an officer comes out with a gallon of gas and a bag of supplies and tells him that they will need it for the trip, as Morales thanks him and gets in, they hear a loud explosion and see that it is in the direction of the CDC so he drives fast, they drive for a bit and eventually make it to a building in ruins, they don't even get out, all hope is lost but they see no vehicles, they see tire tracks in the dirt, and Morales tells Miranda that it must be them, a big group of walkers lunges toward the car, Morales drives off.

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