Chapter 3: Break the ice

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"And Damon and Elena kissed and my heart broke into a million pieces" Said Ayra expressing her disappointment. It was the recess and all of us were enjoying food and discussing binge watched TV series.

"Delena is cool if you ask me..." I said. I looked at Shaurya taking the corner seat and eating his lunch alone. It had been over a week and he still made no friends, that was weird. Girls should be buzzing around him. He's cute and smart.

"Whoa dude..." Reva said quite excited. Rohit and his friends made their way to Shaurya. Now here, I must tell you Rohit is no better than a bully. There is no trouble in which Rohit is not involved. Actually Rohit means trouble, no trouble means Rohit.

"Hey buddy. I am Rohit" Rohit flourished his hand for a handshake but Shaurya just ignored him. This does not look good.

"Are you deaf or just stupid?" Rohit said leaning against his desk. Shaurya didn't pay any attention.

"Hey guys I am sure, he doesn't want to be friends. Just leave him alone okay?" I said. We had the attention of most people in the class.

"Sorry I don't talk to ugly people" He said laughing.

"Oh well I do" I said smiling. Everybody chuckled-- not silently.

"Come on Shaurya, let's go out for a while" I said. He looked at me, I raised my eyebrows. I was afraid I would end up looking like a fool but thankfully, he did as I said.

"Dude, trust me you don't want to mess with him" I told him. He shoved his hands into his pockets.

"But you just did..." He said looking at the floor.

"Oh yeah that was to save your thankless ass" I said, I moved to wash my hands. I turned around to bump into him.

"Why don't you just say you like me?" He looked at me with this devilish look in his eyes.

"Technically, I do or else you probably wouldn't be standing next to me" I smiled at him and left for class. My brain splashed images of him, his voice still echoed in my ears. 

Plus hey, was he flirting with me?

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