Chapter 5: A new love

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I was scrolling my Instagram after a nap in the evening when a notification popped up. I didn't know whose number it was, it didn't even have a profile picture.

Unknown Sender: Hi

Me: Who is this?

Unknown Sender: It's me Shaurya.

I immediately saved his number.

Me: Who gave you my number?

Shaurya: Doesn't matter.

Me: Okay.

Shaurya: Sorry about that day. I was just..just way out of control. You know.

Me: It's okay.

Shaurya: So, we're good?

Me: Yep totally :)

Shaurya: Nice picture😍

I locked my phone. Something about this guy doesn't seem right to me.

"Aleena?" My mom entered braking open the door. How I wish she knew how to knock.(I am sure Indian readers can relate. Bwaahahahaha)

"Yes?" I said. She looked at me for a while and it did get awkward.

"Do you have a friend named Shaurya?" She asked. My heart raced. What happened?

"Yeah, he's my classmate. What happened?" I asked trying to be as cool as possible.

"I just met him on the way to the Bakery. What a nice boy! Belongs to a rich family but is connected to his culture. Why don't you invite your friends over sometime?" She said.

I sighed. My mom gets flattered too soon. All you need is a show of respect.

Was he doing this to impress me?

"Sure mom. Sometime maybe" I said nodding. She nodded and left. I heaved a heavy sigh.


I spend rest of the day doing trigonometry and calculus. They're fun to do. At 8 PM, I got up to rest my back a little. Mumma called me for dinner. We usually had dinner early.

"Hi Papa" I said cuddling. He was as warm as always I wanted to snuggle.

"Aleena you've grown up..." He said gently rubbing my hair.

"Never too grown up to hug you.." I laughed.

My mom told him about Shaurya. She kept telling me to learn something from him. What the hell man? Just because I listen to Queen or English music doesn't make me uncultured. I knew it was best not to answer her back.

Papa and I talked a great deal and after a while both of us went to our rooms.

My phone buzzed. It's Reva.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked jumping on my bed.

"Sorry I ran early today, my mom had a meeting" She said. "Okay I have something to tell you.." She added and she sounded serious.

"What is it?"

"Shaurya freaking Tiwari asked me to give him your number and I did. Did he text you or something?" She asked. I looked at the notification bar.

2 new messages. "Hello?"

"I'm, no he didn't" I said.

"Also Aleena I saw the guy staring at you during the class--- thrice" She said putting extra emphasis on the last word.

"Is this some kind of May fool?" I said laughing.

"No I am serious, Aleena. He likes you. Admit it. I mean you're the only one he's talking to so nicely so far" She said. I could sense the sarcasm in her tone.

"Whatever. Okay I'll see you tomorrow. I am sleepy. Nighty night" I said trying my level best not to sound too happy.

"What whatever? You're going for it" She said. I could really picture her face right now and it made me laugh.

"No, no... good night" I said and hung up.

I kept my phone aside and cuddled with the warm blanket.

I couldn't help but smile.

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