Chapter 18: Plan

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The loud buzzing of my phone on the table woke me up. I switched on the lamp and the light felt so irritating. It was 1:56 AM and it was Shaurya. Not good.

"Hey Shaurya. Are you okay?" I asked holding my head as it started to ache a little.

"He did it again---Aleena--" his voice sounded heavy and acute. He drew in a painful breathe.

I felt my jaw tighten and a quick temper. I didn't want to upset him more by telling him about Rohit's insurance. He might even set out to gank him.

"It will all be okay. Just stay strong.." I said. I knew it won't.

"He threw mom out..." he said with a sob.


"He took her phone and my door's locked. I don't know.. what to do. I don't know if she's okay..." He said with a wobbly kind of voice.

"Hey Hey Shaurya. I am sure she'll be okay. She'll be okay---" I said reassuring him and quickly jumping out of my bed.

"But I'd given her your address. Now you listen to me very carefully, if she's not at your place within 30 minutes. You text me, if she comes just put her on the phone..." he said his voice almost back to normal.

We hung up.

Fucking spiv! I cursed his father under my breathe.

I might have been up and down a thousand times now. The half an hour was almost up but she didn't turn up. I felt restless and uneasy. I could feel my hope being crushed but then I heard a loud bang on the door.

I hurried downstairs and opened up.

"Oh my God..." I quickly pulled the lady in and made her sit on the couch. She had a cut on her forehead and she had blood coming out of the side of her lip, her hair and her makeup was all wrecked and she was trembling. She scared me.

I quickly picked up my phone and dialled Shaurya's number. I gave her the phone while I hurried to fetch the first aid box. When I came back. She'd already hung up.

I kept my hand gently on her shoulder and she looked up. Scaring me.

"Aunty. I've got you ointments...." I said opening the box.

"Thank you.." She said in a low voice and took the box from my hand. Maybe she wanted to help herself.

I went to the kitchen and made what I could real quick. Soup and sandwiches. Weird combo but it's good. I nearly kept them on a plate and the soup in two bowls and went back to the room.

I gave her a bowl. She looked at me and smiled weakly through her weary eyes. She took a sip.

"Thank you child.." She said. I smiled.

"You've got to help us Aleena....." She said sitting straight. "My husband has clearly lost it. He would do anything.. anything to push Shaurya into that thing" She said and downcast her stare. "He's not the man I married.." She said in a low heavy voice.

I gently placed a hand on her arm.

She smiled again to hide the moistness in her eyes.

"Just tell me what can I do?" I said.

"We need an evidence" She said after clearling her throat.

"You mean a picture or video?" I said.

"Exactly-- he can be held under the charge of domestic violence" She said sipping from her soup.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked her.

"Hundred and ten percent" She said with a lot of confidence.

"Mhm. We'll need a brilliant plan.."

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