running away to him

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Ryder pov
The sound of the cop cars were so lound as it woke me, and the morsires from the day before washed over my brain.
I remember that's the cops were after me after I got caught robbing the bank the money was in my bag.
The cops were getting closer as I here there sirens.
"What did you get yourself into this time ryder" I thought to myself.
God I remember when things were fun in New York.
I used to hang around with Dallas Winston other wise know as dally.
He was my friend, my best friend before he left when we we're 12.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard banging on my door.
"Police open up, the place is surrounded" I grabbed my bag witch had the money, and new blade a gun and a pair of clothes I headed or the basement for my escaped and ran to the train tracks because I knew a train came by here every time around this day,
A copper saw me next to the train tracks and was running to get me as I saw the train coming I jumped into a open box thing, I don't really k ow what they are dued to dropping out after grade 8.

I didn't know where I was going or when I'll come back the only thing I could think of is coffee. I fell asleep not thinking about anything, but coffee.
I woke up to the train horn I could tell that this was my stop I jumped out and rolled a few time and got a couple of scratches, but other then that I was fine I walked to road trying to hitch a ride, I remember when me dally use to do that all the time.
God I miss him so bad sometimes I just don't show it, I haven't really shown enough the day I was kicked out of my house at 10 years old but I've know dally since I was 5 and he thought be how to survive on the streets. By then I care pulled up infront of me and ask were I was heading and replied back with to the nearest town he informed me that that was Tulsa, Oklahoma.
I jumped in and we set off to Tulsa after 5 minute he dropped me of infront of this diner called the Congo I headed in after I grabbed my bag and order I coffee, I needed one so bad.
I got my coffee and started to walk down the street I saw this bar, motel thingy called buck I walk in and ask how much for a room, to my surprise it was only $50 a month. I got a room and walked right in. The bed was a metal frame and a mattress with some white sheets on it.
I walked into the bathroom and look at my face my black curled hair was down and a sharp jawline with bright blue eyes with a wash blue demon jacket with a red shirt, wearing old jeans and my black boots. As I walked downstairs there was only like 5 people there, one looked about in there twenties, a guy who was 17 that I swear look like dally to kids That looked 14 and a guy who looked like 19 who was wearing a micky mouse shirt.
I walked over to them and introduce myself
"Hi, I'm Ryder" I said with a bit of excitement in my voice.
The dude who looked about 20 replied back with
"Hi I'm darry, this is my little brother ponyboy, he's best friend johnny, this is two-bit and dally", "nice meeting ya'll, by the way is you full name Dallas Winston" dally noded his and and I smiled, "don't ya remember me dal"
"Did I sleep with you last night" dally replied back with a smiled.
"Yup, It you alright, dally it me ry, Ryder"
A smile shot across his space and gave me the biggest hug.
"How ya know this hotty" two said out loud.
"I mean two she got a the new York accent, I pretty sure I think they know each other" ponyboy said while looking at me weirdly.
I walked to the curtis house with dally,pony, johnny, darry and two. As me and Ryder sat on the couch with johnny , ponyboy headed to bed and darry went to the pitch with two but I saw some other walk down the stairs and another guy walked out of the kitchen. "Got yourself a keeper yet dally" the one walking out of the kitchen with his face covered in chocolate and a beer in his hand.
"Or is the just another 1 night stand" the other one said walking into the living room.
I started to laugh stood up with my hand out "in ryder, nice to met ya".
They both shook my hand I found out the one who was walking down the stairs name was sodapop, brother to darry and pony but he didnt look real,
Like he should be in a movie.
The other was was Steve, let's just say he was a bit funny looking.
Steve walked out the door with soda and johnny and darry went to sleep.
Leaving me and dally alone. We stayed up talking about stuff that happened to us in the past 4 years. And turns out johnny 16 and to me that was hard to believe.
But for some strange reason I started to look at dally differently,
Like he was hot, I was falling for him and I couldn't help it.
Dally pov
I forgot how much I missed Ryder. I missed our chats, and I started seeing in her in a different way. I'm scared if I fall for her she won't be in love with me.
I mean we're 16 and been friends so can we were 5 years old.
It was around 4am and we felling asleep on 1the curtis boys couch hugging.
Soda pov
As I walked down the stairs I saw Ryder and dally asleep on our couch snuggling each other awww there so cute.
I grabbed the camera and took a photo of them, I know it might be a little where due to the fact I only just met but we're gonna laugh about it when they end up dating.

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