Note 2

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Finally, the day ive been waiting for is here! The day i was born, my 14th birthday..
I was riding my bicycle happily humming my fav song, i look left to right as i saw the coast was clear i continued my path until a loud beep was heard, there was a truck coming towards me, i closed my eyes ready to feel the pain and probably the end all i could think of was "i love you fam" and there i was lying in the ground covered in blood.


Many people looked at her worriedly while waiting for the ambulance, the truck driver felt guilty he has no intention on hitting the girl/aislah..The ambulance arrived, they carried her and put her inside. Aislah's mom and dad heard the news late and rushed to the hospital.

After hours of waiting, the doctor came out,

Aislah's mom (Han) Aislah's dad (June)

Han : How is she doc? Is my girl alright?
Doctor : Unfortunately she'll be in coma for how many months, please visit her everyday..she can hear you but she's unconscious and she can't talk, Mr.Wei please come and sign the papers
June : Alright..ill see you in a bit
Han : okay

Aislah's mom went inside, the nurse greet her and decided to give them some time alone.

Han : Oh gosh *sniff* im sorry honey, if i could just protect sorry for being a bad mom

June went inside and gave his wife a pat,

June : just on her birthday, where everyone was waiting for her to arrive... something's just gotta happen on my girl as well!
Han : i know, for the love of God please let my little girl hold onto you..

Visiting hours passed, as her mom and dad went home.

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