Note 3

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Then it all began, i remember waking up in a field full of beautiful flowers, i was wearing a short white dress and i was barefoot..
Everything is so perfect and peaceful..
"hey" i heard a voice, i turned around and saw a handsome boy..IS THIS REAL?! LIKE HELLO?! THERES A HANDSOME BOY INFRONT OF ME! THESE ONLY HAPPENS IN FANFICTION!!

"i- hi..?" I said awkwardly, he lend me a hand and helped me up..

"Thanks.." i smiled and he smiled back
"I'm Zeyu" he introduced himself
" Aislah..where am i?" I asked him
"A place where only 10% of the population are lucky enough to be here in a coma" he said and started walking, he signaled me to follow and i did..
"What do you mean?" I asked
"You see, you're in a coma right now.. don't you remember anything?" Zeyu asked and picked a flower
"Um...i..think..i fell asleep in the road? After that i woke up here" i answered looking around, there were different colored tree's, white butterflies, rainbow colored birds and mountains from afar.
"Are you..perhaps a guardian angel?" I asked him, making an eye contact
He gave me the flower and i took it
"Hahaha no, i have been in coma since i was around 10 years old..i believe im 14 now, why?" He smiled, holy mother of goose..he is gorgeous
"You're just...too handsome okay!" I said shyly and covered my face
He giggled and said..
"I never see you around"
"Well i think im new here? I don't know how you call it tho, im 14..yesterday was my birthday"
He was shocked
"So you're telling me, you fell into coma on your birthday?" He said and continued walking around and sat in a bench,
I sat beside him and said
"Yep, i kinda remember it now.."

Coma ||Y.ZY →𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝Where stories live. Discover now