Note 10

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The class ended, i then went to my locker and saw my friends with their lovers.

"Great, am i gonna be the wheel again" i joked sarcastically as they laughed
"Its alright , were here too" mingrui said
I forgot about them lol, i guess im not the only single one after all..

We then went home, not long after that i bid goodbye to them and went inside my house.
Greeted by my cat, "oh hello there..i missed you too!"
I picked up the cat and went to my room..

I changed to pajama's as my cat went to my bed to sleep, "what a boss" i said and giggled..
I went to my window seat and started to think, ever since that day i never knew where could Zeyu be..

I don't want to live with this, maybe some day
Ill be able to get answers and finally see him or
It could stay like this but i already loss hope on finding him.

He's like the missing part of my life that i have to find in order to answer my questions.

Well i feel hopeless..


And that's when my ballpen ran out of ink, its 2020. It happened in 2017, my life's messed up in 2018 but it started getting better in 2019 and till now, however i still haven't found out about where he was..

Where are you Zeyu..

End →

Such a short story i know, i tried my best to not curse cuz damn dawg curses a lot.
Yes i know this is bad and im probably gonna get a bunch of questions because of why this is confusing, please cooperate with me im a hopeless child and im not good at writing stories lololol, and yes it ended with a horrible ending so sad. That's it, adios. 

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