Note 9

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it has been a year since that happened.. i still haven't found him or have any clues where he was..right now im with my friends..the 3 of them has lovers, Seiji is with Hanyu, jem with zihao and ryge with xinlong. However im left out being the only single pringle in the group, i guess they have found someone while i was asleep.

The bell rang signaling for the next period, i bid good bye to them and to the boys..

I then went to english class, i sat on my desk and put my head down waiting for the teacher to come.

A year... Was i... overthinking? Am i overthinking?

"Miss Wei" i heard the teacher's voice called me
"Huh?" I said
"Don't sleep in my class" she said with a tone of annoyance
"I won't miss" i said and acted like im listening

A year since i fell asleep well to be clear i was asleep for 5 months but time goes by quick, and its already a new year..maybe i should start a new life and forget about it..

But i can't forget about Zeyu, he was there with me for the past 5 months. The boy who made me feel special and definitely made my life less lonely, but which way do i go to find you?

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