Note 7

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Zeyu's POV

All of a sudden, the nice and lovely atmosphere that used to surround this place faded away as Aislah kept ignoring me..i don't know what did i do for her to treat me like this..ive had enough, its time to gather up my courage and confront her..we can't stay here forever with each other,some day she'll wake up..

I then started to look for her...
I looked for her in the swing set but nothing
I looked for her in the bench but then again..she was nowhere at sight..
Then it hit me, she probably woke up already...pain grew inside me as i cursed myself for not spending time with her, i don't know anymore...
Tears began to run down at my cheeks as i sat in the bench, looking up at the blue sky..closing my eyes and let the tears fall down slowly..

I don't know why im feeling this...
She's the only friend i got and i screwed up..
She probably hate me and yet i still haven't found out why..
The last time i talked to her was when she was hearing it a sign that she needed to leave? Is there any way i could see her again? How long will i be stuck here??

Questions filled my head as i sobbed and looked down, feeling empty and guilty..its my fault she ignored me..i hugged my knees and felt a hand on my shoulders..

I looked up and saw Aislah..

"I..i couldn't stand seeing you crying" she said, without any hesitation i hugged her...
I felt her hugging back as i cried in her shoulder..
"I thought you left" i said between my sobs

Aislah Pov

I couldn't stand seeing him like this, ive been ignoring him for god knows how many days and it was all because i needed some time alone...everything was weird lately

As i felt tears on my shoulder, i feel bad for ignoring him..i saw him with worried, sad and guilty expressions..he was lonely...

"Its okay, its alright..look..." I broke the hug as he looked at me with red puffy eyes

"I just needed some time alone, everything was weird lately..i felt getting pulled" i said, i just don't know what to say or how to explain the whole stuff that has been happening in my life.

I smiled and looked up to see him,
"I didn't meant to ignore you and you did nothing wrong" i said and he nodded, he stands up and said..
" about we take a walk and talk" ,, i was confused
"Us?? What about us??" I then started teasing him thinking it could make him smile a bit..
But i received a pinkish face..
Is he okay?

Hi so, A little note?? I guess idk what im writing anymore, quarantine made me feel crazy and act crazy, i literally made smth on instagram along with my friends but it was my plan. I hope jyp won't ban me for it HAHA,, like i said theres gonna be an update today and i completely forgot about it but hey at least i updated.
So yeah stay safe and hope u understand my story cuz this is getting shtty. That's all, bye~

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