Note 6

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While Aislah was in a coma, on the other hand...there was 3 girls named Seiji, Jem and Ryge waiting for their friend to wake up..they decided to visit her in the hospital today..

"i don't know how long will she be in a coma, i miss her.." Ryge said looking at Aislah
"It has been 2 months as well..." Jem said caressing her..
"Let's not loose hope guys! Aislah is a strong girl, she won't give up that easily..and she can hear us as well!" Seiji said looking at the girls and then back at Aislah

Aislah's pov

As i was playing with the butterflies i heard voices in my head..the voices were familiar and they were talking about me

I sat up looking worried, is it only me? i hear voices??  Why am i hearing it? Last time i remembered hearing nothing at all..

"Is something bothering you?" Zeyu asked
"Um..yeah kind of" i said, i couldn't hide my worried face..
"What is it? If you don't mind me asking.." he said and sat down beside me
"im..hearing voices" i said without looking at him
"Last tme i remembered hearing nothing at all, and they're talking about me as well..
There's a lot of them however they sound calm.." i continued
"I don't know if this is normal?" I said, now looking at him..he looked back and said
"Its probably your family"
"Y..yeah probably" i respond
"If you need me, ill be over there at our swing place" he said and got up, i nodded and continued playing with the butterflies

End of pov

"We have to go back guys, our lunch time is almost over" Seiji said, the girls packed their things and got up..looking at Aislah once more before heading to school.

"Heh, i remembered aislah tripping here" Jem said as they giggled looking back in the memory
"Oh oh! And remember when aislah were shouting and then her voice cracked" ryge said making the girls laugh even more

They arrived, and seperated ways as they were from different levels.
Jem and Aislah are in the same level and same class..

Jem Pov

I went to my classroom holding my notes and a book, i entered the room and went to my seat..

"Hey, how's aislah?" One of the boys asked
"She's doing fine" i said and looked at her desk beside me..

"...well i hope you are" i mumbled and sighed, the bell rang and the teacher went in and started the lesson.

End of pov

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