Note 8

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Aislah POV

"Its nothing, let's about us" he said as he started to walk away, following him from behind.
"Us?" I asked looking at him still trying to catch up slowly..

It went silent for a bit not until he stopped and turned around to see me
"Yes, ever wondered how long you have been here? Ever wondered when will we see each other when we wake up or what will happen-" i cut him off from talking by holding his hand

"I will.." i stated...
"I will try to remember you" i continued
Not long after that, i see myself slowly disappearing..

"W..what's happening?!" I panicked looking at him and saw tears flowing down his face...
He tried holding my hand one last time as i slowly vanish..but before that, i hugged him for the last time..

"I love you" i said as the world completely turned black..

Zeyu POV

"I love you" she said as her dust went with the wind..
She's gone..she left...
It was all so sudden.. " you too"
I replied breaking down, feeling my knees getting weak..i fell from the ground
Meeting the grass as i continued crying
"I love you for infinity" i said between my sobs..this is it, the end of my friendship with Aislah..the girl whom i will cherish the most, the girl i will find once i wake up..


The wind whispers through her ears "I love you too"

Aislah woke up feeling empty...
"Wh..what happened" she said looking around..

"AISLAH!!" She heard a voice, she then turned to that direction receiving a hug from her mom

"M-mom??" She said breaking the hug..
"Honey, oh how i missed you" she said crying and kissed aislah's forehead

"Mom..who's that?" Aislah pointed at the wall seeing Zeyu waving...the wind whispers once more.. "i love you too" it said..

"Who?" Her mom turned around seeing nothing, Aislah saw Zeyu fading..
"NO! WAIT! WAIT! HOLD ON! DON'T--" before she could went up and stop him she stumbled and fell then..he vanished in thin air..

"...go" she continued
"Aislah..are you alright?" Her mom said, she nodded and stood up..
"Let's go home, shall we?" Aislah nodded then she helped her mom pack

Zeyu? Was that the last good bye?

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