Note 4

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"so um...what do you do here?" I asked
"Well its always bright here, i make flower crowns just in case i meet new people" he replied
"Ohhh can i see them?"

He showed me the flower crowns and each of them was beautiful
"Wow you're really good, im in love with this one!" I pointed at the daisy one, he picked it up and put it in my head.
"It suits you, you look awesome!" He gave me thumbs up and i laughed

"Oh i found it!" I gave him the rope and he continued making the swing
"And finished!" He said and told me to sit in it,
"Sir, i trust you with all my life.." i said dramatically
He giggled and said
"Don't worry, you won't fall"
He pushed me gently and i happily swing my legs and feel the warm breeze
"Your turn!" I said and got out of the swing, he sat in and i pushed him gently..
"Isn't it fun?" I asked
"Yep" he said and then me being evil, i pushed him with full force..
"AAAAAH! WA-WAIT AKSJSHDVSG" he shouted gibberish words as i was dying of laughter
He got out and stomped towards me
"Hey!" He said and tickled me
"No no no! HAHAHA no fair!" He stopped tickling me and i sat down in the ground..

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