🍭 | Part Four: KAITO

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I went too far. I'm sorry Yui but I'm glad you made the right choice. It really breaks my heart whenever I must hurt you with words of mine. I don't deserve you at all.

Suddenly my phone rings. That was fast. I look at the screen. It's my stepmother. Geez, I'll deal with this at home. I stand up and went to my car.

I drove home and I saw police cars around my house. There's a ton of reporters outside. I see my father being dragged out of our house. My stepmother fake crying. My stepbrother just standing there quietly. For a fake family, they act pretty good.

I get out of my car and walk towards them immediately reporters swarm me. I keep my stance until I reach my father. He looks at me with disappointment soon that look turned into fury.

"You, idiot!" Then he managed to punch me. "You told her father! You useless piece of schist."

Suddenly, an arm slungs around my shoulder, "No, he didn't tell me anything."

It's Yui's father, "You're lucky Kaito loves you so much that he wouldn't want anything to be like this. He never told me and Yui of anything. But Kaito," He turns to me, "She notices everything. My daughter's very thoughtful towards you."

He looks at my father with anger, "You lost a wonderful son and everything. Are you happy now?"

My father looks down in shame. Later I was told that Yui's father found out my father was stealing from him through the investment. He also figured out my father has done this with other companies. Creating a fake foundation. I sigh and hang my head in shame.

"You don't have to be sorry, Kaito. Tell me everything so we can put your father in jail." Yui's father assures me and pats my head.

I tell him everything. Everything.

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