🍭 | Part Six: KAITO

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"Kaito!" Yohan says immediately when he sees me. He slungs his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm sorry for what happened." He says sympathetically. I'm lucky to have a friend like him. He's different from that annoying leader wannabe. Anyway, Yohan has been my bestfriend second to Yui. He knows everything and he advised me before to tell Yui but I didn't listen.

I just nod. I immediately settle in his couch. He sets down a glass of water.

"Did you tell Yui everything?" He asks. I shake my head.

"Why? Don't you like her? You can freely admit feelings now with no investment forcing you in any way. Although, this could all have been avoided if you told her." Yohan says.

"You know I couldn't tell her. My dad will hurt her and use her against me. He might even trick her. And as much as I want this to be fixed, I did say harsh things to her. There's no excuse for any of that. I think it's better if she forgets about me. She'll be happier that way."

"You really like her." He says and rubs the back of his head.

I sigh and say, "Did you get all my stuff?"

"Yes, Prince Kai." I glare at him. He laughs.

"Are you going to be okay tomorrow?" He asks while looking at the clock.

I look at him with confidence, "Of course."

After that I went to the guest room and crashed on the bed. I look at my phone and browse in my gallery. I see me and Yui in a picture. She's smiling while I'm frowning. I set it as my wallpaper. I smile. How I wish we could go back to the way we used to be.

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