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I wake up alone in my bed. I sit up and run my eyes and to my surprise it's 10:30 and I wasn't forced to get up at 7. I climb out of bed and head to the restroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. My eyes are heavy even after sleeping for so long. As I brush my teeth I glance at my neck and flashes of last night come back into my head. Watching harry get beat up, being chocked by that man, Michael mentioning my Mother, when I kissed Harry, and falling asleep in his arms.

I walk downstairs still wearing my clothes that I slept in but I hear people talking. Harry must have had the other members over but, it's strange that he didn't wake me up he usually wants me to serve them.

I bend down on the stairs to see if I can hear what they are saying.

"We are now just waiting for their response." I hear a voice say which I think is Ashton's.

"Should it be here?" I hear Harry say. "It's dangerous for her..." He says. I think he's talking about me.

"Who gives a fuck Styles?" I hear Louis say. "Correct me if i'm wrong but I think you have feelings for a Harper?" Louis says making everyone laugh. I wonder if Crystal is there, I miss seeing her she's the only person here that makes me feel somewhat normal.

"Shut the fuck up Louis. Anyways let's discuss what our final step will be..." Harry says and as I lean in closer I fall down a step making a loud noise.

"Shit." I stumble back up the stairs but Harry comes around the corner with his arms crossed.

"We're you ease dropping Bella?" He smirks at me.

"No. I thought you would want me to make breakfast but then I heard voices." I lie. It's kind of the truth but i've been listening in for at least a minute.

"I hate when you lie to me Bella." His smirk turns into an annoyed expression and I look down at my hands. "Go upstairs." He points upstairs, I get up and he follows behind me . Right  as we reach my room Harry pushes me in and I hear the door lock. I run up to it and pull on the handle and pace around angrily. He locks me in my room like i'm a child.

I want to know what they are talking about.

We are now just waiting for a response

A response from who? My father and Adam. Or could it be other Savage related business?

Should it be here?

Should what be here? He said it was dangerous for me which doesn't make any sense. This is all dangerous for me. Maybe it is other Savage business since they would still need me around for the other plan? All these thoughts swirl in my head of every possible outcome and meaning. I almost forgot that Louis accused Harry of having feelings for me which he quickly avoided. This is all so confusing for me. With the stress of my father and family being in danger, as well as me being in danger, and Harry just adds to it all.
I lay my head down and let myself drift back to sleep.


I lay on his bare chest tracing his tattoos with my fingers. He stares at me deeply while running his hands through my hair.

"Wish we could stay like this forever." Harry says as I continue to gently run my hands on his chest.

"Why can't we." I move to up to him and he props himself on his elbows. "Don't leave me." I kiss him gently and he softly closes his eyes.

My arm is suddenly tugged back pulling me off of the bed and a hand sneaks over my mouth as I scream out for Harry.

"Do you think I care about you at all?." He stands up from the bed and cracks up to himself with his devilish smile. "You were just apart of the plan. And that's all you will ever be." He pulls out a gun and aims it at my head . The loud noice makes my eyes squeeze tight together it instead of  it hitting me it hits the person that grabbed me. I'm released from their when they fall and turn to see my Father on the floor bleeding out. I scramble to help him and cover the wound but the blood doesn't stop. I'm lifted from the ground by Harry and he holds me back and tight and forces me to watch him die.

"This is your fault Bella. All your...

I jerk awake in a panic and the first thing I see as I wake up is Harry sitting in a chair in the corner or my room. I can't help but feel terrified at that way to realistic dream. I cover my mouth and silently cry as I watch Harry look at me strangely.

"Bad dream?" He actually looks concerned. He walks over to my bed and I scoot back in fear. "Was it about me?" He ask and I nod my head with tears streaming down my face. "Oh." He looks hurt.

"Yeah you..." I tear up. "Killed my father." I tell him even though i'm terrified to hear his response because it's not unrealistic.

"It was just a dream." he says surprisingly.

"It's not because I woke up here. With you." I'm being very harsh but i'm upset. "I'm sorry. Harry i'm angry. I'm angry that this is my life. That I have to fear for my families life everyday. That my eight year old brother grew up without a mother and now he has lost his sister." I spit out in a harsh tone.

"What's his name?" Harry asks.

"Peter." I thought he already knew but I guess it doesn't make a difference if I tell him.

"I'm sorry." He says keeping his head down. "I know what's it's like to loose a sibling." He says and my eyes shoot up.

"You had a brother?" I ask him.

"A sister. My younger sister. I don't want to talk about it and don't push me." He threatens knowing I would keep asking him questions.

"I won't." I obey not wanting to bring up a sensitive subject for him.

"You should eat something." He holds out his hand and I grab it and he helps me out of bed. We walk down the stairs and I take a seat at the counter as he grabs me something from the fridge. We sit there and I talk about Peter and what we did together. I tell him how Peter loves to swim and how excited he gets when we would stay in houses with pools. Harry's actually engages with me, he laughs when I told the story of dumb jokes we would play on Adam when we were bored and how Adam didn't find any of it funny. Harry looks concerned when I tell him the hardships Peters has been through for being such a young sweet boy. This is the first time I have talked to Harry about something real, someone who is incredibly important to me and I feel this connection with him of what it's like to have a younger sibling that you are close with.

"It's not that way with Adam." The mentioning of Adam makes me nervous due to Harry hating him so much.

"How so?" He asks.

"He just doesn't care about me or Peter. He used to be more then just a Malevolent member. But, when my mom died he became too involved." I sigh.

"Do you think i'm more then just a member of Savage." He asks me changing the subject.

"I don't know Harry. You're so back and forth with me." I say in complete honesty. "It's confusing." I add.

"I know. It's confusing for me too." He runs his hands through his hair and sighs. "I have stuff to do so i'll be in my office." he gets up and leaves me sitting alone in the kitchen. I was actually enjoying talking to him and I wish I could go with him but, that was his first rule.

I spend the rest of the day finishing his laundry and cleaning the living room from when the other members are here. I can't help but wonder if Harry does feel something for me. Or if he would even let himself. But the real question is how do I feel about him.

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