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"He wasn't supposed to call until next week... I thought." I hear Harry say as I press my my ear against the door. I want to open the door but they will see me. I wonder who they are talking about.

"I get to do the talking Styles." Ashton says. "You owe me that." He says in an angry tone.

"Fine Ashton. But don't make this personal." Harry responds. I press my hear as hard as I can against the door but it still sounds really muffled. I slowly open the door and it makes a creek so I quickly stop. I wait a few seconds but they continue talking. Thank god. I continue to open the door and slowly crawl to the other side of the staircase where they can't see me but I can hear them clearly.

"So when he calls we tell him how this is going to go down." Louis says. Who are they talking about? The phone starts to ring and they all remain silent.

"Hello." Ashton answers.

"Where is she." It's Adam. My heart drops in my stomach and I let out a small gasp.

"She's fine. For now." Harry chimes in and I cover my mouth. What does he mean for now.

"I swear to fucking god..." Adam begins talking but Louis cuts him off.

"You're going to let us do the talking or we will kill her." Louis says and tears run down my face.

"Listen Harper, and listen carefully. We're not just going to give you information. What we want is for you to send us a million dollars by tomorrow morning or Bella will be dead." Ashton says.

"Don't fucking touch her!" Adam yells.

"Little to late for that Adam." Harry says and I keep my mouth covered. I hear Louis laugh.

"I will kill you Styles." Adam says. How does he even know Harry.

"You heard us Harper. One million dollars to us tomorrow or she's dead." Ashton says.

"We will send the money. Then you'll send her back?" He asks and they all laugh.

"Adam, the plans just getting started." Ashton says and I can hear Louis laugh. They seem to really enjoy pushing his buttons.

"Adam!" I stand up on the staircase and I see all eyes on me.

"Bella?" Adam says and Ashton hangs the phone up.

"Fuck Bella!" Harry stands up and starts to walk upstairs with Ashton and Louis following behind him. I run to my room and lock the door and my breathing picks up.

"Don't!" I hear Harry yell.

"She's not yours Harry!" Ashton screams. "She's coming with me you can't handle her and she already interfering with the plan!" Ashton yells and I back up and try to open my window that leads to a balcony.

"Get the fuck back!" Harry yells and I hear loud thumps on the door. I grab the chair by the vanity and hit it against the window until it breaks. I climb through the broken glass window and stand on the balcony as I hear louder pounds on the door it suddenly comes crashing down and there stands Harry, Louis and, Ashton.

"Bella what are you doing." Harry walks towards me. I look down and see how high up I am. I climb over the railing and hold on.

"Step any closer and I will jump." I threaten them as I shakily hold on to the railing.

"What the fuck?" Louis says and I let one hand go.

"Don't!" Ashton yells. "She can't die not now." He screams. "Vance will kill us."

She ~ Harry styles fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now