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AN: Wedding looks :-)

Today is Crystals and Nialls wedding. I can't help but feel so many emotions as I get ready for this day. I'm so happy for Crystal, I know this is something she wanted to badly. And i'm happy I can be there to support her with Harry by my side. But the whole guest list to this wedding is Savage and the cherry on the top I will have see Michael Vance again. The man who had a man choke me, and threaten to lock me in a cell. I'm also nervous to see how Harry acts around these other men. I wear I dress that I threw into my bag when I was packing to come here. I think back to that night, I never would have thought this is how my time here would end up being. Pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind I get dressed. I pull out a black long sleeve dress. I brush through my hair and try to look a little more formal but I don't have much makeup. I apply concealer under my eyes and mascara. I sit at my vanity and look at myself in the mirror. I look different but a good different. Maybe more grown up. I don't even know how long i've been here now maybe six or seven weeks. But so much has happened in that time that has changed me forever.

I'm taken out of my thoughts as I hear a soft knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yell out and Harry opens my door. He looks so handsome and I can't help but smile when I see him walk into my room. He wears a low black shirt which shows off his tattoos on his chest. He wears a back suit over and I can't help but notice his cross necklace. He's never worn that before but he looks for handsome and sexy.

"Wow." Is all I can say.

"Wow yourself." He walks over to and bends down to my level and kisses me. "Are you ready? We have to go." He says.

"Yes just one minute." I quickly put on a light pink lip gloss and run over to my closet to put on small pink flats. I smile and take last look at myself in the mirror fixing my hair. I grab his hand and walk with him downstairs into the garage. He opens the door for me and I get in.

"We should probably talk about this wedding and what you should expect." He says as he pulls out of the driveway.

"Okay...Like what?" I ask. He's making me more nervous then I already am.

"Well I'm guessing you probably know this but Micheal Vance will be there and the entire gang." He says. "Niall and I are both exclusive members and events like this are very big in our community." He says and I nod. "You need to listen to whatever I say, I can't have you disobey me in front of these men." I look at him and he stares at the road gripping the steering wheel.

"Okay." I agree. After spending alone time with Harry I forgot about this side that he needs to show in front of Savage.

We drive into a huge mansion and there are lines of cars pulling up. Women and Men get out of the car dressed like a millionaire dollars. The Mansion almost looks like a luxurious hotel. Harry parks his car in the street and walks around to open the door for me. He hold out his arm and I hold onto him as we walk into the beautiful home.

"This is Crystals fathers house." My jaw drops as we walk in.

"This is castle not a house." I saw in shock. We walk in and there is a full house. I am terrified but hold tightly on to Harry. There's waiters walking around serving appetizers and champagne. Harry is shaking peoples hands as we walk past the crowd of people. There are tables set up in this front room and we walk over to a table that Louis and Ashton are standing at.

"Hey." Harry and I walk up to them.

"Styles." Ashton nods to him and and smirks at me. I keep my eyes down. I seriously hate that man. "Hello Bella, you look beautiful." He leans down to make eye contact with me and Harry pulls me away slightly.

"When's this wedding shit supposed to start." Louis says looking at his watch.

"Hopefully soon." Harty sighs. A waitress brings over glasses of champagne for us and Harry gives me a nod saying it's okay for me to drink it. I take a sip but I hate the taste so I just hold on to it.

I look over to where I think the reception is going to be held. There's is a beautiful walk way with flowers planted all along the isle. This wedding screams Crystal. I see a few men walking towards us and I clench on to Harry's arm.

"Styles!" A large man comes over and pats Harry on his back and shakes his hand. He's reminds me of my father in a way. He is very tall and large. "And who's this on your arm. Don't tell me it's the Harper girl." He asks with a big smile on his face.

"It is. Bella why don't you say hello. This is Crystals Father, James Miller." I reach my hand out and he shakes it.

"It's nice to meet you. Crystal is a kind person." I say to him making him smile. He has the same smile as her.

"Aren't you just adorable!" He says making everyone laugh. Great we're back to everyone making fun of me again. "It's great to meet you. Your basically our guest of honor!" He says. "Well you boys can head to your seats the wedding is about to start." He shakes Louis and Ashton's hands and we all walk to the seats outside. It's such a lovely day and it's mid afternoon which makes the sun hit just right.

I sit down in the middle of Harty and Ashton. Harry has his hand on my knee and wrap my arm around his. I see Ashton glance at us and he huffs to himself. I roll my eyes and ignore him. If only this situation was different this would actually be very romantic for Harry and I. The music begins taking me out of my thoughts and everyone stands.

Niall walks out from the side gate and stands at the end of the isle. He looks very handsome in his all black suit with a single rose tucked into the pocket. everyone's heads turn towards the doors as the music begins to play louder. Out walks Crystal wearing it beautiful White dress. of course her train is extremely long and two women stand at the end of it making sure it stays straight. She walks down the isle holding on to her father and she holds a beautiful bouquet of flowers. She seems me and I give her a small wave and she winks at me. I see Crystals other friends from the club a few rows in front of Harry and I and they are all crying. We sit down as she reaches the end isle and her father takes a seat in the front row.

The ceremony is absolutely beautiful. I lean on Harry as we listen to the vows Crystal and Niall make to each other. They are truly in love. During the entire ceremony I notice Ashton's eyes keep falling on me and I give him a dirty look. Why is he so obsessive.

"You may now kiss the bride." Niall leans in a kisses Crystal sweeping her off the feet as everyone applauds. They walk down the isle and are waving to everyone as she happy tears running down her face. I wave to her again and place my hand on my chest. As I'm turn my head to look at Harry and he kisses me on the cheek to my surprise.

The crowd of people all make their way to where the rest of the wedding will be held. The sun behind to set and their are beautiful white lights that hang above us. We take our seats at a large table and of course Ashton sits right next to us. Louis joins us and brings a girl over who is all over him. Everyone is conversing and enjoying the their time as dinner is getting ready to be served. Harry's hand is in my lap under the table and I smile at him. I suddenly see Michael Vance in the distance smirking right at me.

And my smile quickly turns into a frown.

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