9. Reading Lessons.

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Frosino sat in a tall wing-backed armchair as he gazed idly into the fireplace. He was currently waiting for Tola to arrive. He had given her orders to give him a report at the end of every month, to update him on the girl's progress, and tonight was their first meeting. Tola had been busy cooking all day, and Frosino had his papers to attend to, so they had both agreed to meet at the end of the day.

The door of his office was pushed open, and Tola entered, head bowed. "Good evening yar grace," she greeted him respectfully, bowing further.

"Rise," Frosino said, not looking at her as he continued to stare at the fire.

She straightened up and began to inform the Archduke of how the month had gone, "The littlen is adjusting well to life 'ere. She gets along well with Alfonse, and is a good 'elp for me in the kitchen."

"Very, good," Frosino muttered. "And what is the child's name?"

"Her name is Y/N yar grace," Tola answered.

"Y/N," the Archduke repeated. "It will do, although perhaps I should give her a respectable middle name as well, I shall inform you if decided on one."

"Yes, yar grace," Tola nodded her head. "That is the end of my report Yar Grace."

"I see," Frosino paused for a moment before he continued. "Tomorrow I would like you to begin teaching Y/N how to read and write. I will find a selection of suitable books in the library, and leave them in the kitchen for you tomorrow morning."

"Yes Yar Grace," Tola agreed. "I shall do me best."

"Oh, I have also placed an order for some clothes and fabrics from Bocio," the Archduke said. "If she is to be my ward then I want her to look the part. Tola you are dismissed for the evening, rest well."

"Yes Yar Grace," Tola bowed her head again, before exiting the room.

. . .

Y/N stretched, and yawned as she made her way to the kitchen. She did her best to ignore the coldness in her feet. Even though several new white under dresses, and a new violet tunic had been added to her wardrobe, her feet were still bare seeing as none of the residents of the castle had shoes in her size. Reaching the kitchen, she hurried over to the fireplace and set her feet on the warm stones of the hearth.

"Mornin' littlen, eat yar porridge," Tola handed Y/N a bowl with steaming hot porridge inside. Y/N shoveled the food into her mouth quickly, still not fully used to the regular meals that she now had.

After she had finished the simple breakfast, she helped Tola clean the dishes and sweep up the stray ashes that had scattered across the stone floor from the fireplace and the cookstoves.

With the morning chores done, Tola beckoned Y/N over to her rocking chair by the fire. "Ay've been ordered to begin yar education today."

"Education?" Y/N asked as she sat down on the hearth-rug next to Tola.

"Yes, ye must learn," Tola explained in her usual tone, that the girl had come to understand was just her way of talking. "Because, ya maybe livin' in the servant's wing, but ya are still the ward of an Archduke littlen."

Tola pulled out a set of three books and set them neatly on her lap. Y/N was instantly excited at the sight. Her mother had taught her how to read the names of things like Bakery, or Tavern so that she could find her way back to the Inn if she ever got lost, but she had never read a book before.

"Today ay'll be teachin' ya how to read," Tola said as she opened up the first book and began pointing to the lines of different characters. "Ay'm not the best at reading this language, but ay'll do me best to teach ya the basics."

"I WANT TO LEARN HOW TO READ TOO!" Alfonse yelled as he came barreling through the kitchen door with a crash. He hasted to sit down on the hearth next to Y/N as he stared expectedly up at Tola.

For a moment, Tola's face was still as stone, except for one twitching eyebrow. The seconds dragged on like years, then she opened her mouth. "OI YA IDIOT! YA ALREADY KNOW 'OW TO READ YEAH HALF-WIT, AY DON'T 'AVE TIME FOR YE GAMES," she picked up one of the books and threw it at the poor man. "OUT!"

Alfonse scurried out of the kitchen, metaphorical tail between his legs.

"Now to begin," Tola said, pointing to the book as though nothing had happened.

. . .

Several hours past in that way. Y/N discovered that she was quite the fast learner, at least when it came to reading, and was already reading the small fairytale book that Tola had taught her out of.

Y/N, growing bored with rereading The Exiled Lion and The Wolf With Stooped Shoulders, the name of the fairytale book, decided to take a peek at one of the other books. The girl grabbed one of the books and flipped open its dark blue cover. Things went well for the first page, but then she came to a word that she didn't know.

Biting her lip, Y/N saw that Tola was in the midst of preparing luncheon for the Archduke. She was unsure if she should bother Tola, but her curiosity won out in the end, so she asked tentatively, "Tola do you know what the word inquisitive means?"

Tola placed a hand on her hip as she thought about it. After a bit, she answered, "Ay don' right know, but ay'll ask the Archduke when ay bring him his meal."

"Thank you," Y/N said happily, skipping over that word and continuing to read as Tola placed the finished meal on the serving tray, and left the kitchen to take the lunch to the Archduke.

. . .

Frosino was just starting to eat his lunch when he looked up and found that Tola was still there. He tilted his head, asking her why she was there without using words.

"Yar Grace, what does inquisitive mean, Y/N found the word in one of her books?" Tola asked.

Frosino recalled that this language was not Tola's first and was happy to assist her, "it means curious and questioning of mind."

"Thank you Yar Grace," Tola said. "Y/N will be happy to know it.".

Tola left, and the Archduke proceeded to finish his luncheon in peace. After that, he had just begun to read the tax papers that needed reviewing when there was a knock at the door. Tola entered again, looking rather uncomfortable as she asked, "sorry to disturb Yar Grace, but what does the word precocious mean?"

Sighing, the Archduke explained, "it means being premature, generally in reference to the intellect. I would say that Y/N herself is rather precocious."

"Yes Yar Grace," Tola agreed. "She is very stubborn in wantin' to know everythin'. Sorry for distributing Yar Grace again."

Tola had exited for the second time, and after several minutes, Frosino finally relaxed back into the calming solitude, and loaded up his quill with ink when there came another knock at the door. Startled, Frosino dropped his quill, causing indigo ink to splatter all over the papers on his desk.

Tola entered the room a third time as Frosino grumbled under his breath at the ruined tax forms. "Forgive the interruption yar Grace," Tola said awkwardly. "But what does the word irksome mean?"

"I will tell you what's irksome," Frosino snapped. "Being interrupted every five minutes, how am I going to get my work done?!" Taking a deep breath, Frosino calmed himself, and continued. "I am sorry Tola, I did not mean to snap at you."

After a long pause, Frosino raised his head, seeming to have come to a decision, "it will take up less of my time, if I simply schedule an hour every day to tutor Y/N."

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

Street Mouse [Yandere Archduke x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now