31. New Miss of the Household.

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Abela and her dark-haired governess named Fiora had just finished introducing themselves, and now were standing around awkwardly, as the coachman had to unload the many brightly wrapped presents that Frosino had ordered in order to reach where the two ladies luggage was buried.

"So, where is the Archduke?" Fiora asked narrowing her eyes at Y/N's plan dress. "It is customary that the lord of the home welcomes his guests, and we must thank him for allowing us to stay here."

"I am afraid that he has gone on a trip overseas and shall be gone for the next three years," Y/N answered, squirming uncomfortably under the judgemental gaze of the two women. "He left the Archdiocese in my care, and it is fine with me that you stay here, but I can write to him and get his permission if you prefer."

"Yes, do," the governess responded curtly as the coachman finally handed her bags to her before bringing the carriage to the stables to rest the horses for the night.

"How old are you Y/N?" Abela asked.

"I am thirteen years old," Y/N responded nervously.

"Well, I am fourteen, which means that I am a year your senior," the petite blonde took one of her bags in each hand, then she thrust them both at Y/N. "Which means that I am the new miss of the house. Now, carry my bags for me, and take me to my room"

. . .

Against her better judgment, Y/N decided to simply ignore Abela's rude behavior and carried her bags without complaint. She had put Abela and Fiora in two of the nicest guest bedrooms right next to each other on the third floor.

Opening the door to her new bedroom Abela sighed, "why does everything in this castle need to be so out of date, I am going to lose my fashion sense if I stay in a place as old as this."

Fiora looked at her sternly, "it may be a downgrade from your father's estate, but we are lucky to have a place to stay at all."

Abela proceeded to let out a whiny huff before she finally deemed the room worthy of her, and took the bags from Y/N's tired arms. She slammed the door closed, leaving only the governess and Y/N alone in the hallway.

"Well, if you will excuse me, I must prepare tomorrow's lesson plan for Abela," Fiora stated as she turned to enter her room. She added, as an afterthought, "you are welcome to join us if you like." With that, she entered her bedroom, and closed the door behind her, albeit more gracefully that Abela had.

Y/N let out a sigh as she was left alone in the hallway. She was not sure how to deal with Abela's interactions, seeing as it had been a very long time since she had been around girls her age, she had no idea if the blonde's behavior was normal or not.

With a sudden jolt, Y/N remembered the small mountain of gifts in the entrance hall that Frosino had ordered for her before his departure. She hurried down to go and open them.

. . .

Excitement filled her heart as she insisted on carrying all of the boxes up three flights of stairs into her new room before she allowed herself to begin opening them. It took at least five trips, but at least the final, large ruffly pink box, joined the rest of its kind in the girl's bedroom.

Her fingers were itching with anticipation to open the parcels, but she forced herself to be patient, and open the letter accompanying them first. The envelope was a stark white, and Y/N tore it open eagerly.

The characters in the letter had been printed like the ones in the many books in the library, but even so, Y/N could tell from the choice of words that it was Frosino who had written it.

My dear Y/N,

By the time you will receive this letter I will have already left, and may possibly be at sea already. Since all of my future letters will take much longer to reach you, I scheduled this one to arrive with the gifts I got you.

I know that you do not fancy receiving an excess of material things, but knowing I would be unable to see you for the next three years, I couldn't resist the urge to spoil you. Think of these as the next three years worth of birthday presents from me if it will make it easier for you to accept them.

I hope that this letter will find you well and that you are managing alright without me, and that life is just as pleasant as always.

Yours with love,


Y/N sighed happily as she placed the letter down on the nightstand by her bed. Frosino always knew just what to say in order to cheer her up. The letter definitely was no match for truly having him back, but it was enough to make her feel less lonesome without him.

Turning her attention again to the pile of gifts, Y/N, at last, began to open them: There was a navy shawl that reached all the way to the floor when she slung it around her arms and was perfect for the cold winters in the castle, next, an ornate jewelry box that was filled with necklaces, and pearl hairpins, and finally, split up into multiple boxes, were two new dresses. The first was a deep plum color, and had a high collar, with floral embroidery on the sleeves, and a full skirt, the second was white with gold accents, it had a sweetheart neckline, cute puffed sleeves, and a long slender train that fell from the skirt.

The presents were truly magnificent. Y/N took the new clothes, and hung them in the wardrobe, next she placed the jewelry box on the dresser. Feeling contented, she set to work cleaning up the leftover boxes and pastel wrapping paper.


Which gift was your favorite?

Let me know in the comments below, and

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

Street Mouse [Yandere Archduke x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now