51. Wedding Preparations.

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The next few weeks were consumed so entirely with the plans for the upcoming wedding that there was hardly any time to spend missing Ilidoro.

Abela was doing well, all things considered. Y/N kept asking her friend if she was sure she wanted to help with the planning, but every time she asked, the blonde always responded that she was alright, and found the distraction of the wedding planning useful for keeping her from missing Ilidoro too much.

They still received letters from him, but it was just not the same as having his flamboyant personality roaming through the halls. All the same, Y/N couldn't afford to become distracted by his absence, she had a wedding to plan after all, and she had to keep Frosino from spending an exorbitant amount of money.

"I really think we should place an order for a new set of silk banners to display the family crest in the ballroom, the courtyard, and the temple," Frosino said as he poured over the lists of different ideas that he and Y/N had come up with. "I don't understand why you are against it."

"It is not just the draperies," Y/N sighed as she looked through the many expensive and useless fineries that Frosino wanted to purchase for the wedding. "Almost all of this is completely unnecessary, especially considering that it will put a lot of strain on the treasury of the Archdiocese."

"I am the luckiest man alive to have you as my bride and I want the whole world to know it," Frosino said, his voice dripping with affection as he got up from his chair and walked over to where Y/N was sitting and hugged her from behind. "No expense is too great if it means that my darling girl gets the wedding she deserves."

"But I don't need all of these frivolous things," Y/N protested, pointing at the list in her hand. "And most of these things would take at least two or three months to be finished, and you are insistent that our wedding happens in less than a month."

"I can not help but be impatient, our wedding day can not come soon enough as far as I'm concerned," Frosino explained, rubbing his cheek against Y/N's. 

Y/N let herself enjoy the moment, even though she was still a bit bothered by all the money that Frosino wanted to spend. He had always enjoyed spoiling her with gifts, but she had to tell him that the fact that they were getting married was more important to her than getting new draperies or anything else.

Running her fingers through his black hair, she said in a sweet voice, "I am as touched as always that you want to spoil me, but I am just happy to be marrying you and am very content to have it be simple."

"Fine with me," Frosino murmured, leaning into her touch. "Whatever makes you happy makes me happy, my dear."

"Why do you call me all those sweet names?" Y/N asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"My father would call my mother names like that to express his love," Frosino replied, his eyebrows knitting together in worry. "Why? Do you not like them?"

"No no, I like them," Y/N said, a blush creeping into her cheeks. "... Of course, I like them."

They were suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door. Visca entered and bowed. "Your Graces." She straightened up, "Y/N's bridal gown is ready to be fitted again."

Frosino pouted slightly and tightened his arms around Y/N, "does she really need to go?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so your Grace," Visca replied. She looked as though she was trying very hard not to laugh at the grumpy look on the Archduke's face as Y/N pried his arms off and stood from the chair. "Don't worry your Grace. I will return your bride to you as soon as we finish the fitting."

. . .

Y/N stood on a makeshift platform in front of the floor-length mirror in her bedroom. She admired the partially finished gown in the mirror as several women, including Abela, bustled around, pinning the fabric in places and giving each other instructions in hushed voices.

Even though the wedding dress was still crude, and unfinished, it had an elegance about it that was absolutely enchanting. The sleeves that attached to the scooping neckline sat off her shoulders and were puffed. The skirt was slender in design but flared at the bottom in a trumpet shape that fanned out into a lovely base for a train.

A partially-complete Cappoit was placed on the nearby dresser. It was made of fabric the same shade of white as the wedding dress but in a much flowing fabric. When it was finished, it would be pinned to the top of Y/N's head and cascade all the way down her back.

"The Archduke sure is over-protective of you, miss," one of the maids said kindly as she continued her work. "I honestly think it is sweet, but how do you ever get any time to yourself?"

"He has always been like that," Y/N replied, a little taken aback. "And I don't mind. It is just how he expresses his love for me. Even when I was a child, he was protective in the same manner, so it only makes sense that he would still be that way now."

"We are all sure that you two will make a lovely pair miss," another maid said, elbowing the first. "I am sure that you will have a wonderful married life with the Archduke."

"She's right Y/N," Abela said, giving her friend a warm smile. "We are all cheering for you and will support you no matter what."

"Thank you," Y/N said nodding her head in gratitude. "I am grateful to you all for your kind words."

"Come on," Abela called, clapping her hands to get everyone's attention. "This wedding is not going to put itself together, and there is much work to be done if we want to have everything ready in time for the impatient bridegroom."


No matter how upsetting a day I have had, working on this book never fails to make me feel better. I am so grateful that I have been able to share this story with you all. I hope you are as excited for the next chapter as I am.

Until next time, I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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